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If you have the area of the piece and you know how much the piece takes up. For example if you have a piece of a circle and you know it is 1/4 if the circle then you take the area and multiply by 4.

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Q: Can the radius of a circle be found if you only have a piece of the circle?
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What is the required piece of information tho find the area of a circle?

The only piece of information required to find the area of a circle is the radius of the circle. Once you know the radius of the circle, the area is simply the radius squared multiplied by pi (approximately 3.14).

Calculating square inches of a circle?

The area of a circle is easily found by multiplying its radius squared times the constant pi. If only the circumference is known, the radius is found by taking 1/2 of the circumference divided by pi.

What is the area of a circle with a radius of 3 in by 4 in?

A circle has only one measure for its radius. A shape that has a "radius" of 3 in by 4 in cannot be a circle.

What is the radius of a circle with the diameter of 56 centimeters?

The radius of a circle is half of the diameter, so if the diameter is 56cm the radius can only be 28cm.

Is the diameter of the circle always greater than the radius of the circle?

No, only if the diameter is bigger than the radius is the radius smaller than the diameter.

How does the circumference compare to the radius of the circle?

Well the radius is only half of the line on the circle the circumference is all around

If a radius of a circle intersects a chord then it bisects that chord?

If radius of a circle intersects a chord then it bisects the chord only if radius is perpendicular to the chord.

One radius of a circle is the same length as any other radius of any other radius?

The radius is the distance from the center of the circle to its edge. No matter how you draw this radius, it is one value of one length only, for any given circle.

How do you find the area of a circle by only knowing the radius?

Since the area of a circle is pi times radius squared, take the radius and square it. Then, multiply that by 3.14, or pi to get the area of the circle.

How do you work out the area of a circle with only the diameter?

By dividing the diameter by 2 will give the circle's radius. Area of any circle = pi*radius squared.

How do you find the area of a circle if you only know its circumference?

Divide its circumference by 2*pi which will give the radius of the circle. Area of the circle then is pi*radius squared

How do you find the radius of a circle if you only know the area?

Radius = +sqrt(Area/pi)