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It is remotely possible but highly unlikely that sterility would be caused through removal of the prostate gland. Far more often, prostatectomy results in impotence (inability to achieve or maintain erection) and/or incontinence (Inability to control urination). If you are faced with the prostatectomy decision, be sure you completely understand the potential unintended consequences and how they will affect your quality of life before agreeing to the procedure. There are many options.

It depends. If you have your prostate removed without having radiation or chemotherapy you can still produce healthy sperm, but without the prostate you are unable to produce the fluid that is ejaculated during sex that nourishes the sperm as it makes its journey to fertilize an egg. To get pregnant, a fertility doctor will remove sperm and either implant in the female, or via IVF, the eggs will also be removed and fertilized them implanted back in the female's uterus. If you have chemo or radiation due to prostate cancer, it is possible to rendered sterile, so have sperm removed and frozen before cancer treatment, so healthy sperm can be used to fertilize an egg.

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Q: Can the removal of the prostate gland cause sterility?
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