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Q: Can the smell of ammonia harm your fetus?
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Can smelling bleach cause a Miscarriage?

Theoretically it is risky to the fetus if you smell the bleaching. But practically it will be taken up by body tissue and it will not harm your fetus.

Can using ammonia as a cleaning agent harm your cat?

Any strong chemicals can harm a cat, just as they can harm humans; and cats won't wear rubber gloves when there are dangerous chemicals around. Ammonia can easily damage the cat's sense of smell.

What are facts about ammonia?

The smell of ammonia isn't a smell, it is a chemical burn. Even people with anosmia can detect the "smell" of ammonia

What about the smell of ammonia?

Ammonia is a gas generally. It has a very bad smell.

What does it mean if you smell ammonia in your nose?

The most common cause of having an ammonia smell in your nose is your diet. People who have a high protein and low carbohydrate diet can smell ammonia and their sweat can actually smell like ammonia too.

What does ammonium nitrate smell like?

A distinct pungent odor that lingers and penetrates nearly everything. Will smell somewhat of traditional ammonia with a slight burning plastic smell

Does ammonia have smell?

Yes ,it has a smell. It has a characteristic smell.

Can ammonia harm?

Um, yes. Yes, yes, yes. If they ingest it I mean. They also hate the smell (as do most people).

Can you smell ammonia?


What can be causing an ammonia smell in the bathroom?

Ammonia smell is how urine smells. Perhaps the toilet is not cleaned well enough.

Is there ammonia in cheese?

No, but some cheeses start to smell of ammonia when they are over-ripe. If the smell is very strong, discard the cheese.

How does toxins harm a fetus?

they are passed to the fetus and cause imbalanced compounds that effect DNA