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Q: Can the ulcers be painful
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How do mouth ulcers feel?

mouth ulcers are supre painful and annoying i cant even talk ouch!

Why is ulcers painful?

Because they are basically holes in your stomach lining.

Can cats get ulcers?

Yes, they can get ulcers. Both ulcers and broken jaws are very painful and require the attention of a vet. Please take Boots to the vet pronto.

What are perianal ulcers?

PERIANAL ULCERS. Intestinal amebiasis may produce skin infections in the area around the patient's anus (perianal). These ulcerated areas have a "punched-out" appearance and are painful to the touch.

What are some symptoms for diabetic ulcers?

Although diabetic ulcers don't necessarily have to be painful, there is usually swelling involved. Other symptoms include the presence of a rash, redness or other discoloration of the skin, along with itchiness or burning.

A 19 year old woman has painful ulcers on the labial mucosa and buccal mucosa of 4 days duration. She has had similar ulcers on previous occasions and each time the lesions healed in approximately 7 d?


What are the symptoms of Behcet's syndrome?

Symptoms include recurring ulcers in the mouth or the genital area,skin lesions,arthritis that affects mainly the knees and ankles,pain and irritation in the eyes, and fever.mouth and genital ulcers tend to occur in multiples and can be quite painful.

What are the sympton of stomach ulcers?

There are many symptoms of stomach ulcers. However, the major stomach ulcer symptom is a burning or painful feeling which is sometimes misinterpreted as heartburn or hunger. This pain lasts long. Apetite and weight loss are the examples of some other symptoms.

Stomach Ulcer Diet: Food To Avoid?

Stomach ulcers can be painful and they will significantly effect a person's health. Additionally, ulcers will limit a person's diet. The main cause of stomach ulcers is actually a type of bacteria infection from contaminated food. However, specific foods can irritate and exacerbate existing stomach ulcers. For example, highly acidic foo will aggravate stomach ulcers and cause more pain. Additionally, acidic food will prolong the symptoms of stomach ulcers. The best way to minimize pain when having stomach ulcers is to avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine. When it comes to eating, it is recommended that spicy food should be avoided.

What are types of stomach sores?

there are many kinds of ulcers including peptic ulcers, mouth ulcers, Corneal ulcers and possibly more.

How many ulcers are duodenal ulcers?

About 80% of all ulcers in the digestive tract are duodenal ulcers.

What are the symptoms of Oculoglandular tularemia?

The lining of the eyelids and the surface of the white of the eye becomes red and severely painful, with multiple small yellow bumps and pitted sores (ulcers). Lymph nodes around the ears, under the jaw, or in the neck may swell and become painful.