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Q: Can the valves be replaced in the deep veins with artificial valves?
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What is a superficial vein in the leg?

The superficial veins of the legs connect to the deep veins through "penetrating veins" which run perpendicular to the skin from one to the other. The deep veins are essentially a column of blood running from your head to you feet and so when one is standing are under high pressure. In order to keep this pressure away from the frail superficial veins the penetrating veins have valves. When one of these valves goes bad the high pressure is allowed to go back to the superficial veins which blow up like balloons and become visible as what we call varicose veins (or "spider veins").

What kinds of veins are there?

There are three types of veins, superficial veins that are just beneath the surface of the skin, deep veins that are large blood vessels found deep inside muscles, and perforator veins that connect the superficial veins to the deep veins.

What deep veins drain the forearm?

the ulnar and the radial veins

What is the color of aorta?

the color of aorta isRed. In the veins, its a deep maroon.

Why do your veins come out on top of foot?

Because the veins in your foot are not as deep as other veins in your body are.

Are veins buried deep in tissue?


Do varicose veins occur in deep veins too or just in the superficial veins?

Deep veins will distend also, but not as much due to the increased pressure on them. superficial veins are under much less pressure being closer to the surface and away from muscles, so the distension is much more obvious.

Why do you get varicose veins?

Veins have a system of valves that help keep the blood moving towards the heart if they are not operating correctly too much blood builds up in the veins and they swell.

What types of veins are there?

There are three major categories of veins: superficial veins, deep veins, and perforating veins. All varicose veins are superficial veins; they lie between the skin and a layer of fibrous connective tissue called fascia.

How do veins work in relation to the heart and carrying blood to and from the body?

Blood is pumped by your heart and circulates around your body in arteries and veins. Arteries take oxygenated blood away from the heart and the veins return blood back to the heart and lungs for refuelling. In the leg there are 2 sets of veins, the deep (invisible) component and the superficial (under the skin) veins. The deep veins can be thought of as the 'motorway' of return of blood to the heart and the superficial veins the 'slip roads' which feed blood into the deep veins. Other communications (perforating veins) also exist between the deep and superficial vein systems. Blood flow is maintained by muscle contraction 'the muscle pump'. Contraction of the muscles forces blood up the leg. When the muscle relaxes small valves close and stop the blood being pulled back towards the foot due to the effect of gravity. If the veins enlarge or the valves fail to function normally the blood flow becomes abnormal swinging both up and down the leg. The volume and pressure of blood within the vein network increases. This is called 'reflux' and is the first change that can lead to the development of symptoms and also the typical changes of superficial venous hypertension. Visible large bulging varicose veins may then develop. Sometimes skin changes can occur with thickening and discolouration of the skin and rarely ulceration.] theres you answer

What are the 2 types of veins?

superficial and deep set

Which type of blood vessels does the blood flow away from the heart in?

Blood flows away from the heart in arteries, and towards the heart in veins.