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No. A right angle has exactly 90 degrees; an acute angle has less than 90 degrees.

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Q: Can the word acute describe a right triangle?
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What is a triangle with three acute triangles?

I think the word your looking for is equilateral triangle

Is it true that an obtuse triangle can have a one acute triangle?

I assume that the second use of the word "triangle" in the question should be angle. An obtuse triangle must have two acute angles.

What is the difference between an scalene acute triangle and an scalene obtuse triangle?

In an acute triangle, all angles are smaller then 90%, In a obtuse triangle, there is normally one angle greater then 90%. A easy way to remember acute triangle, is it has the word "cute" in it.

Does a acute triangle have 3 acute sides?

The word acute refers to angles, not sides. It does have all three angles are acute (less than 90°)

What is the word for the definition a triangle with all angles measuring less than 90 degrees?

The word would be acute. You could refer to the triangle as an acute triangle. This means all angles measure less than 90 degrees.

How would you use the word 'acute' in a sentence?

An equilateral triangle has three acute internal angles. The injection caused acute pain, but only for a moment.

Which word describes a triangle with with three angles with less than 90 degrees?

It is called Acute triangleIn an acute triangle, all angle are less than 90 degrees, so all angles are acute angles.

What would be 5 nouns to describe a triangle?

Nouns are not describing words. The word triangle is a noun. Adjectives are used to describe noun. Some adjectives that describe a triangle are:equilateralscaleneisoscelesacuteobtuse

What is another word for the math term acute triangle?

angle under 90 degrees

Can a triangle have equal acute angles?

yes Fist the funny. If you pute a smiley face in the corner of each angle you will have acute three angles. You need to google the phrase "acute angle". Once you learn what an acute angle is you can figure this one out. The three angles of a triangle must equal ___________ degrees. Fill in the blank, devide by three and google the word "acute angle" and you will figure it out. Are you sure the person who posted yes is right. Maybe they are wrong. Check it out and come up with the answer and the reason why.

What is another word for right triangle?

90 degree triangle