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Yes! A toenail fungus can live between the nail and the polish. Also, the polish should definitely be discarded after use on infected nails. You can pick up a bottle of nail fungus remover over the counter at most pharmacies. You will be better off to keep polish of your nails until the fungus is gone. (I learned this while in college for Nail Technology).

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Q: Can toenail fungus live in nail polish?
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Does nail polish cure toenail fungus?

That is insanely wrong. It can even cause you toenail fungus because there are some claims that fungus could live on nail polish. When you apply nail polish on toenail fungus it only worsen your situation. So better stay out of it when you have a toenail fungus.

Is toenail fungus the same as toenail fungi?

Yes, both are same which affect nail with fungus

What will totally disinfect nail clippers after someone with toenail fungus has used them?

it will give whoever uses them next nail fungus isn't it obvious!!!!

Will toenail polish cause toenails to be unhealthy?

Well, your toenails have pores. so they need to breathe. The best thing is not to wear nail polish all the time, and when you take your nail polish off, leave it off for about a week before painting them again. --- Toenails only have pores if the "shine" of the nail is removed- your nails don't swell and fall off when you have a shower. The nail polish remover is the main problem because of the potent chemicals used to remove the varnish. You can actually get white flecks on toenails that look like toenail fungus, but they are not. But constant use of remover can damage your toenail.

Is bleach good for fungus of toenail?

The fungus is underneath the nail, so nothing you paint on top of the nail really helps unless it is a prescription medication specially designed for that. See your doctor to decide what medicine you need for your toenail.

Can you get toenail fungus from a broken toenail?

If you don't take good care of it, there is a large possibility that it would get infected and turn into a toenail fungus. Toenail fungus is largely caused by poor hygiene practice, so with a broken nail plus poor hygiene that would lead into a fungal infection.

Can ebson salt help toe nail fungus?

Epsom salt soaks are a natural alternative for toenail fungus treatment. It will take persistence, but people have reported good results. It is an easy and inexpensive toenail fungus treatment method. For more details and soak directions:

Does CVS sell toenail fungus treatments?

Yes, CVS sells toenail fungus treatments. Prescription antifungal medicine can be bought in the pharmacy. Creams and ointments and antifungal nail lacquer can be purchased over-the-counter.

Why do toenails stop growing?

actually your toenail can stop growing due to toenail fungus or in some cases ingrown toenails. with the ingrown toenail the nail is actually growing but unfortunately its growing into your toe under the skin. toe nail fungus will cause discoloration and will in some cases cause the nail to completely stop growing. you should see a doctor asap both can require surgery if left untreated

Is there a name of a nail disorder in which a new toe nail grows underneath an exisisting toenail?

Don't know of the name, but it sounds like a fungus... they do crazy things.

What is The medical term meaning any fungal infection of a fingernail or toenail?

OnychomycosisOnychomycosis is the medical term meaning nail fungus.Onychomycosis is the medical term for toenail fungus. There are several toenail fungus treatment methods available. Among them are the natural alternative of Epsom Salt soaks: For a medical approach, using lasers as toenail fungus treatment is a new method: is a fungal infection of the nail.onychomycosisonychomycosisonychomycosisonychomicosisOnychomycosis is a fungal infection of the fingernail or toenail.onychomycosisOnychomycosisonychomycosisThe scientific name for fungal infection of the nail is onychomycosis. You may have this condition if your nails are thickening, brittle, misshaped, dull, or a dark color.

Can having an ingrown toenail lead to having toenail fungus?

It can be, to make sure about your condition do a medical check up. for reference about yeast infection you can visit and more about nail fungus on