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Just like with childbirth that only happens if you have for instance scarring after complications. Abortion in itself have no lasting after effect.

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Q: Can too many abortions cause a Miscarriage?
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Aspirin does not cause miscarriage. It can damage the fetus though which is why you should stick to Tylenol when pregnant. If you need it often you have to speak to your doctor. If you seriously want to end the pregnancy you have to see a doctor for an abortion. Taking too many aspirin can kill you and not cause a miscarriage. If you survive you probably will have damaged your kidneys and liver for life. Which can kill you.

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This is not true, unripe green papaya DOES NOT cause miscarriage.

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Yes, if they get pregnant with an unwanted litter - have them spayed, too.

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You mean as in smoking cigarettes? No but everything you inhale the baby gets too. It increases the risk for Sid and asthma after they are born.

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Yes,horses have miscarriages too.

Can hot Guinness cause a miscarriage?

No. Guiness is a beer and there's a old myth that if you hot it up and drink it can prevent pregnancy or cause miscarriage. This is not true. It will just be warm beer.

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Raw or undercooked meat, eggs and seafood. It can cause Salmonella which can cause miscarriage. Some fish also contain too much led. Alcohol and caffeine should also be avoided.

Will an enema cause a miscarriage?

From what I've been reading, no. There is no evidence to support that. I heard a warm water enema is safe. Chamomile tea enema as well. Just not too frequently.

You have just had heavy bleeding unexpectadly and know it is not a period could this be miscarriage although i did not know i was pregnant?

yes and no some times your stomach makes a baby sack in your stomach and there is no baby in it and than yoursystem cleans it out and sometimes it can be a miscarriage. PS did you have sex with or with out a condom cuz that can be a cause ,too

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Too many. Way too many. The cause of overpopulation is people and too many kids.

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Yes, too many can cause weight gain. Moreover, too many can be unhealthy.