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Only if you get scarring or severe complications afterwards but that is rare. Abortions usually don't have any impact on future pregnancies. It's still safer than childbirth even up to late abortions.

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Q: Can too many abortions lead to miscarriage in pregnancy?
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Why do people have abortaions?

People have abortions for many reasons. Most abortions are because the other cannot afford to raise the child or does not or cannot handle the responsibility of raising a child. Many abortions are preformed because of medical issues where the mother's life would be endangered y continuing the pregnancy.

How many mis carriages did Beyonce have?

Beyonce had 1 miscarriage before her pregnancy with Blue Ivy

Why can't i get pregnant after having a miscarriage?

miscarriage that is, after the first pregnancy,Not been able to continue, miscarriage can occur at an early stage,There are many reasons for miscarriage,More than three times that of spontaneous abortion may be that some pathological reasons, illness caused by this situation.

If you have a miscarriage can you just leave it alone?

A woman having a miscarriage has three options. She can wait and see if the pregnancy passes completely on its own, she can have a dilation and curettage to remove the pregnancy, or she can take the same medications used for medication abortion to pass the pregnancy. Many women will pass a miscarriage without any medication or procedure. If a woman chooses that option, she should see her health care provider weekly to make sure that the pregnancy passes completely and that there is no infection.

How soon after a miscarriage can pregnancy occur?

A pregnancy after a miscarriage is still possible. As long as the embro or fetus has been complete removed from the uterus. I am one of the many enjoying a pregnancy after feeling the hard grief of a miscarriage.

How many weeks of pregnancy do they stop giving abortions?

Well where do you live? In the UK it's 24 weeks and in the US 20 or 24 weeks depending on what state you are in.

How many weeks after miscarriage can you still get a positive pregnancy test and bleed for?

Some say 5-6wks, but it is safe to wait 60 days before you take a pregnancy test and expect accuracy.

What are symptoms after a miscarriage?

If the miscarriage is only suspected then it may not have been a miscarriage at all and the symptoms will not go away. However if it was a miscarriage, pregnancy symptoms may go before the bleeding starts or may not go for a week or so after.

Could i have been pregnant and had a miscarriage if the last period i had was heavy and very painful the first two days but i never have cramps any other time i have a period?

Yes. Many women have a miscarriage before they even know they are pregnant. Some Dr. believe that about 25% of pregnancy end in a miscarriage.

How long do it takes to have a miscarriage?

Yes it's called a missed abortion/miscarriage..It happened to me and the pregnancy had stopped growing at 5 weeks and here I am at 7.5 weeks..I end up having to take misoprostol to end it.

Why you will get weak positive pregnancy?

Several reasons and you can't look into it too much. It is recommended that you check with your doctor. Some of the reasons are that it is early in the pregnancy and the hormone is low. You are using diluted urine or possibly a chemical pregnancy (early miscarriage). These are just some of many.

Can a miscarriage cause mental trauma?

Yes, experiencing a miscarriage can lead to significant emotional and psychological trauma for the individual or couple involved. It is common for people to experience feelings of grief, guilt, sadness, and anxiety following a miscarriage. Seeking support from loved ones, a therapist, or a support group can be helpful in processing these emotions.