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I was wondering this myself. I'm 40 yrs old and just had my first kidney stone experience. HORRIBLE! So, I read that excess vitamin C can increase the likelihood of kidney stones. It got me thinking about all the vitamin water I drink... at least 1 16oz bottle per day, sometimes 2 for the past couple years. What can I say, I like the stuff! I've been drinking plain ole water since my kidney stone.

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Yes, but a good cure for it is to drink alot of root beer.

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Q: Can too much vitamin c cause kidney stones?
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CAN you overdose on vitamin d?

You can, but it is quite rare to do so. Too much Vitamin D can lead to kidney stones, kidney damage and headaches, muscle and bone weakness. The average adult needs 5mcgrams of Vitamin D daily.

What are the different types of kidney stones?

THERE ARE FOUR DIFFERENT TYPES OF KIDNEY STONES:>CALCIUM-OXALITE STONES: This is the most common type of kidney stone. It's caused by eating too much calcium or vitamin D; certain kinds of medicines, genetics, and other problems.STRUVITE STONES: This type of kidney stone happens more to females than males. It grows to be very large and harms kidneys more than others. If you have a kidney infection then that can also cause this type of kidney stone.URIC ACID STONES: Caused by eating too much animal protein. To cure it eat less red meat.CYSTINE STONES: This type of kidney stone is very rare. It blocks up muscles, nerves, and other body parts. It can build up in urine and form in to a stone; it also is caused by genetics.

Can eating chalk cause the problem of kidney stones?

Kidney stones are caused by too much calcium. The kidneys cannot get rid of it, so it builds up. Eating chalk could contribute, but probably not be the main reason for the stones. Some people are prone to getting stones.

Are there any at home remedies for kidney stones?

A person's diet and what you put into your body is a huge factor into the source of your kidney stones, so to prevent or treat them, look at what you eat. Too much salt can cause them as well.

List of food for kidney stone?

Though it is uncertain what foods may cause kidney stones, much research has linked foods high in sugar content to kidney stones. Drinks such as iced-tea or sweet-tea should be avoided if you know you are susceptible to kidney stones. Also, dehydration, which is the lack of water in your system, is the leading cause of kidney stones. Avoid or reduce foods that are high in oxalates. Examples are nuts, chocolate, tea, strawberrys, blackberrys.

What happens if you get to much calcium?

Kidney stones

How much do kidney stones weigh?


Can too much vitamin D cause blue lips?

No, but too much of Vitamin D may cause anorexia, nausea, and vomiting, frequently followed by polyuria, polydipsia, weakness, nervousness, pruritus, and, ultimately, renal failure. Kidney damage is also a possibility.

Can too much calcium in your kidneys be a sign of kidney disease or kidney cancer?

calcium is the cause of all kidney stones. calcium is the make up for bones and it help repair the bones if you were to brake one. to much biuld up in the kidney area causes the calcum to from into stones due to dehydration or not enough of the right fluids. the only way to get rid of them is to let i pass through your urine

How often can you get kidney stones?

There isn't a certain amount of times that you will get kidney stones. something that you need to ask your self is are you at risk for them?Do you have family history of kidney stones ? Are you between 20 and 40 years? are you taking certain medicines such as diuretics (water tablets), antacids and thyroid medications? do you have only one kidney, or an abnormally shaped kidney?do you eat a diet high in protein ?are you being regularly dehydrated ? do you have very poor mobility (eg, being confined to bed) do you have a disease of the small intestine or a small intestinal bypass? Men are more prone than women, and around half of all people who have previously had a kidney stone will develop another one within five years.

Why people get kidney stones?

Kidney stones can be cause by many factors _ One could be a lack of water intake or dehydration. Too much calcium or urea in the body can result in stones in kidney. A chronic renal infection can also cause kidney stones If urine is backed up in the urinary tract for a period of time due to blockage, this can also result in kidney stones being formed.

What happens if you have to much calcium?

you will get kidney stones cramps and your stomach will hurt