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First, you should understand that tortoiseshell is not a breed in and of itself. It can occur across breeds.

Second, the majority of tortoiseshell cats, like calicos, are female. One source I checked claimed that only 1 in 3,000 tortoiseshell cats were male. This has to do with what chromosome this color variation is linked to (X). When you have a male tortoiseshell cat it is quite often sterile - can't make babies - because it has an extra X chromosome which messes with their sex characteristics.

Most boys are XY, girls XX, male tortoiseshell & calicos XXY - that extra X causes a male tortoiseshell and messes with its ability to breed.

A pretty scientificy answer, the long and short of which is - such a mating is highly unlikely to produce any kittens. It's rare "luck" when you get a boy.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Yes. Though male tortishell cats are very rare.

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12y ago

Yes, but a 1 in 3,000 chance, and 1 in 10,000 chance of it being fertile.

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11y ago

It's possible, but it's very, very rare.

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Was Redtail a tortoiseshell?

No, Redtail was a ginger tomcat with a distinctive red tail. Tortoiseshell cats have a coat pattern with a mix of black and orange colors.

Are tortoiseshell cats female or male?

A tortoiseshell cat is a coat color where the cat is a molted brown cat with black, reddish, or orange patches. They can also have white paws. Tortoiseshell cats have unique genetics. The vast majority of tortoiseshell cats are female, because two X chromosomes are required to produce black, gold and orange coloring. Male cats only have one X and one Y chromosome, so technically it's genetically almost impossible for a male to inherit the tortoiseshell coloring. A male tortoiseshell has an extra X chromosome, making it an XXY. According to a study by the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Missouri, only 1 in 3000 tortoiseshell cats is male.

Why do we not normally see male tortoiseshell cats?

Well, because to have a tortoiseshell to begin with there has to be two X chromosomes, therefore usually only females are born. Every once in 3000 times there will be a male tortoiseshell, and they are usually sterile, and prone to shorter lifespans. Very, very rarely there will be a non-sterile male tortoiseshell, but only exceptionally rarely.

What do tortoiseshell cats eat?

Cat food!!!! Tortoiseshell cats eat just the same as all other cats.

How can you tell the difference between a female and male tabby cat?

You can determine if a tabby cat is male or female by its color. Ginger tabby cats tend to be male while tortoiseshell tabby cats are female.

What RiverClan cats are tortoiseshell?

Willowbreeze and Heathershine are RiverClan cats that are tortoiseshell in coloration.

How are the fur patterns of tortoiseshell cats and tabby cats different?

Well, tortoiseshell cats' fur are in dappling patterns, sort of all blended together, and tabby cats' are usually in stripes.

Are tortoiseshell cats aggressive?

No by what I am aware tortoiseshell cats are not aggressive.

Are all yellow cats males?

Orange cats can be either male or female. The only color that I know of that is most always female is the Calico color. Personally I have never seen a male Calico cat. Most male calico or tortoiseshell cats are sterile.

Are all peach cats male?

By peach I expect you mean ginger. No, 90% of ginger cats are male just as 90% of calico/tortoiseshell cats are female. Those two colours are part of the same mutation, Ginger being male and tortie being female but there is cases of ginger females and tortie males.

What country are tortoiseshell cats from?

Tortoiseshell is a specific coat pattern and color. Some breeds of cats may naturally have this, but it tends to show up in mixed breed or "barn" cats. They can be found in any country that has a feral population of cats.