

Can tourists purchase medical cannabis in Australia?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Can tourists purchase medical cannabis in Australia?
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Are medical cannabis cards legal in other legal states?

Check the state's laws before attempting to purchase marijuana.

Are medical cannabis illegal?

In some states.

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Who do you go to get medical cannabis?

a doctor ..... but he will decide if you warrant it

What are the medical benefits of cannabis?

It relaxes you, its a form of meditation

What Age can you get a cannabis card?

Florida residents who have attained 18 years can apply to get a medical cannabis card.

Who will grant license for medical cannabis in India?

comissioner of narcotics?

When was cannabis legalized in the UK?

Medical cannabis was legalized in the UK on November 1, 2018. However, recreational cannabis remains illegal in the UK.

How can you get free medical cannabis?

It depends on local legislation. Some countries allow doctors to prescribe cannabis for medicinal reasons others do not.

Will cannabis show up on a dvla drink driving medical?

I dont know haha ; )

Is medical cannbis legal in the uk Also how would I go about getting it prescribed?

Medical cannabis is legal in the UK and is treated in the same way a substance such a codeine is. It is extremely expensive, and tightly regulated, only being available to people with a legitimate illness such as a chemotherapy patient or a person who has persistent nausea. The form of cannabis is synthetic, and actual drug trails with the real thing are still underway.

Can a minor have a medical cannabis card in Washington?

Yes , no, probubly if they are cool enough...