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Q: Can traumatic brain injury cause Sensory Processing Disorders?
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There are several disorders that cause severe pain in the interphalangeal area of the thumb joint without there being a traumatic injury to it. Arthritis is one of the top disorders that causes this.

What is the dsm code for traumatic brain injury?

What is the dsm code for traumatic brain injury

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Which of the following disorders features a collection of symptoms that may occur as a delayed response to a serious injury or event in a person's life?

post-traumatic stress disorder SDT

Which of the following disorders features a collection of symptoms that may occur as a delayed response to a serious injury or event in the person's life?

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Which of the following disorders features a collection of symptoms that may occur as a delayed response to a serious injury or event in a person's life?

post-traumatic stress disorder SDT

What are some of the brain disorders that can result in amnestic disorders?

Various types of dementia (such as Alzheimer's disease ), traumatic brain injury (such as concussion), stroke , accidents that involve oxygen deprivation to the brain or interruption of blood flow to the brain (such as ruptured aneurysms.

What is the most common cause of blunt traumatic injury to the spleen?

Car accidents are the most common cause of blunt traumatic injury to the spleen.

What are some causes of severe traumatic brain injury?

Severe traumatic brain injury can be caused by several factors. The most common cause of severe traumatic brain injury involves automobile accidents. Falling on the head can also result in severe traumatic brain injury. Other cases include firearms or other weapons penetrating the skull.

What psychological disorders are associated with craniofacial reconstruction?

Children who have had a disfiguring injury often develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, or anxiety.Adult patients also have high rates of depression, PTSD, or anxiety disorders following craniofacial reconstruction.

Is cva a traumatic brain injury?

CVA stands for Cerebral Vascular Accident and is the medical term for a stroke. it is not the same as a TBI or Traumatic Brain Injury

What is the cost involved with traumatic brain injury treatment?

The costs involved with traumatic brain injury treatments are very high. Traumatic brain injury treatment is very expensive. The average costs for medical and long-term care services are around $200,000.