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I was prescribed triamcinolone acetonide for my poison ivy, so I'm guessing the consensus in the medical field is that it does work. I am very allergic to poison ivy, and after 6 days, the rash has diminished but not disappeared. The intensity of the redness has lessened 4-5 shades, and it does not itch near as often, nor as badly. In my opinion, and apparently in my doctors opinion, it does work. It is a topical steriod, and steroids are often the prescription givin for poison ivy infection.

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15y ago
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15y ago

I tend to get more of a dry itch when I get poison oak, but it can last for weeks and pops up on different parts of the body. I have used Triamcinolone Acetnide cream and had very good results in terms of reducing inflammation and sooting the itch factor. It is as good as any other steroid cream I have tried in remedying poison oak.

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9y ago

Bactroban cream can help poison oak and is sometimes prescribed to help heal the skin damage that comes from exposure to the poison oak. In most cases, poison oak will go away on its own.

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12y ago

Yes, my doctor prescribed this for me for poison ivy and it worked wonders.

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8y ago

No, that is for fungal infections like ringworm and jock itch.

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Does a steroid cream get rid of poison ivy?

NO IT DOES NOT GET RID OF POISON IVY! i have been getting poison ivy every year at least once a year and every time i try calimine lotion and it does not work because when it drys it irritates the poison ivy and makes it about 10 x more itchy! DO NOT USE CALIMINE LOTION FOR YOUR POISON IVY INFECTION!

What is poison ivy and oak?

Poison Ivy and Oak can be caused by a poisonous plant which can lead to a really bad skin rash. You can use a type of a special cream to cure it.

Can Benadryl help poison ivy in the mouth?

Unfortunately no -- diphenhydramine cannot help with poison ivy / urushiol toxicity. Diphenhydramine, an excellent antihistaminem has no effect on urushiol.

What medicine will help a poison ivy rash?

the best medicine to help poison ivy isn't medicine at all. if you rub peanut butter on your rash and then cover in a band aid, it will be better in no time. this is a lot cheaper than getting a prescribed medicine.

What is a rash LIKE poison ivy but not if it weren't march and if i didn't know how i could have been exposed i would have sworn it is poison ivy?

It could be from poison oak or sumac, which are very similar to poison ivy. It could also be a reaction to something else you rubbed against or something you ate or put on your skin (like a cream). If anti-itch cream or poison ivy-like relief medications don't work and the rash persists or spreads or gets worse for a few more days or so, go to a doctor. They could probably help tell you more clearly what might be wrong.

Can mometasone furoate cream be used for poison ivy?

Yes. A steroid cream such as mometasone fumarate may help relieve the itching from a poison oak rash. However because Mometasone is a prescription medicine, and a fairly potent steroid cream, it would pay to check with your doctor first.

Can you use silver sulfadiazine cream on poison ivy?

No, you should not use silver sulfadiazine cream on poison ivy. Silver sulfadiazine is an antibiotic cream that is used to treat wounds and burns. It works by killing bacteria that can cause infection. However, poison ivy is not caused by bacteria, but by an oil called urushiol. Urushiol is a very potent allergen that can cause a rash, blisters, and itching. Silver sulfadiazine will not help to treat the rash caused by poison ivy, and it may actually make it worse. If you have come into contact with poison ivy, the best thing to do is to wash the affected area with soap and water as soon as possible. You can also apply a cool compress to the area to help relieve the itching. If the rash is severe, you may need to see a doctor for treatment. Here are some home remedies that can help to relieve the symptoms of poison ivy: Calamine lotion Oatmeal bath Baking soda paste Witch hazel Tea tree oil If you are allergic to poison ivy, you may also want to take an over-the-counter antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl). It is important to note that poison ivy can be very contagious. If you have come into contact with it, it is important to wash your clothes and any other items that may have come into contact with the oil. You should also avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth after handling poison ivy.

If poison ivy gets on honeysuckles and you drink the honey will you get poison ivy?

No, you will not get poison ivy.

What is the tagalog of poison ivy?

poison ivy

How do you stop itching if you have posion?

Do you mean poison ivy? If so then get some calamine lotion or other anti-itch cream to help dull the itch and then use straight will power to not scratch because scratching can spread the poison ivy, make it last longer, and itch even more.

What cream works the best for poison ivy?

The best is not a cream. It is a liquid called Ivy-Dry and you can get it in almost any pharmacy. You just spray it on and it helps the area dry up and heal faster.

Who is Poison Ivy's boyfriend?

Poison Ivy has no boyfriend.