

Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac

Poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac are all plants that can cause painful and itchy reactions when they come in contact with skin.

686 Questions

Does Semen cure poison ivy?

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No, semen does not cure poison ivy. It is best to use proven remedies such as calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream to soothe the itchiness and discomfort caused by poison ivy. Consulting a healthcare professional for appropriate treatment is recommended.

Poison Ivy Reactions and Treatment?

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Poison ivy reactions typically include redness, itching, and blistering of the skin. To treat poison ivy, wash the affected area with soap and water, apply hydrocortisone cream to reduce inflammation, and take an antihistamine for itching. Severe reactions may require a visit to a healthcare provider for prescription medication.

What medicine will help a poison ivy rash?

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Over-the-counter options like hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion can help alleviate itching and inflammation. If the rash is severe or widespread, a doctor may prescribe a stronger corticosteroid cream or oral medication like prednisone. Antihistamines can also help relieve itching and discomfort.

How can I get a treatment for poison ivy fast and easy?

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To treat poison ivy rash, you can use calamine lotion to soothe itching, take antihistamines to reduce swelling, and apply hydrocortisone cream to decrease inflammation. If symptoms worsen or persist, consult a healthcare professional for further treatment. Remember to wash any clothing or tools that may have come in contact with poison ivy to prevent re-exposure.

How long does it take for the treatments to cure poison ivy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Poison Ivy usually last two to three weeks. I've had it for two weeks and four days and it's clearing up now. (it's got the crusty look) Don't think it will go away in no time. Medicines and Lotions help the itch but do not speed up the healing process!

Here are some FACTS.

Poison ivy CAN'T be spread by scratching or from the puss that comes out of the rash during the healing process! - (People seem to think it can because they get break outs one day and some more the next! this is because when you come in contact with poison ivy the urushiol oils take longer to get into thicker parts of the skin then in thinner parts.)

urushiol oils can stay on clothes and tools that have come in contact with poison ivy! what ever you wore or used when you came in contact with poison ivy needs to be washed well! if you don't wash them you can risk getting more urushiol oils on your skin! (wash clothes in bleach and separate from other clothes just to be sure)


Try to avoid hot showers, since steam opens your pours it can be painful to your rashes.

Items at home that can relieve itchiness, Rubbing alcohol, White vinegar, baking soda paste, and ice packs are what i used and helped the itching allot!

benadryl before bed, helps you sleep and itching.

Don't scratch it can cause infection! you have bacteria under your finger nails!

What does poison sumac look like on the skin as a rash?

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Poison sumac rash appears as red, swollen patches or blisters on the skin. The rash is typically very itchy and can develop into a more severe reaction if not treated promptly. Seek medical attention if you suspect you have come into contact with poison sumac.

Can you treat poison ivy with econazole nitrate cream?

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It may help with the itching but is probably not a good treatment for poison ivy without talking to your doctor.

Here is what I found:

Econazole comes as a cream to apply to the skin. Econazole is usually used once or twice a day, in the morning and evening, for 2 weeks. Some infections require up to 6 weeks of treatment. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Use econazole exactly as directed. Do not use more or less of it or use it more often than prescribed by your doctor.

Thoroughly clean the infected area, allow it to dry, and then gently rub the medication in until most of it disappears. Use just enough medication to cover the affected area. You should wash your hands after applying the medication.

Continue to use econazole even if you feel well. Do not stop using econazole without talking to your doctor.

Will clotrimazole cream help poison Ivy?

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I was prescribed triamcinolone acetonide for my poison ivy, so I'm guessing the consensus in the medical field is that it does work. I am very allergic to poison ivy, and after 6 days, the rash has diminished but not disappeared. The intensity of the redness has lessened 4-5 shades, and it does not itch near as often, nor as badly. In my opinion, and apparently in my doctors opinion, it does work. It is a topical steriod, and steroids are often the prescription givin for poison ivy infection.

Can poison ivy spread after you have washed the oil off?

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Asked by ColinDroneygp5571

No, once the urushiol oil from poison ivy has been washed off, it cannot spread to other parts of your body. However, existing rashes can still worsen for a few days before getting better. It is important to thoroughly wash clothing, gear, and pets that may have come into contact with the oil to prevent a reaction.

Poison ivy reactions are an example of what condition?

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Poison ivy reactions are an example of contact dermatitis, which is an inflammatory skin reaction caused by direct contact with an irritant substance like poison ivy. Symptoms can include redness, itching, swelling, and blisters at the site of contact with the irritant.

What's the best home remedy for poison ivy?

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Applying calamine lotion or a paste made from baking soda and water can help reduce itching and dry out the rash caused by poison ivy. Cool compresses and oatmeal baths can also provide relief. If the rash is severe or widespread, it's best to see a doctor for further treatment.

Does burning dead poison oak in wood stove put off a poison gas?

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Yes, burning poison oak can release urushiol, the toxic oil found in the plant, into the air. Inhaling the smoke from burning poison oak can cause skin and respiratory irritation in some individuals. It is not recommended to burn poison oak in a wood stove or any other open fire.

Which poison can make you paralyzed?

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Toxins such as tetrodotoxin, found in pufferfish, and curare, used by South American tribes for hunting, can lead to paralysis by blocking nerve signals or affecting muscle function. Symptoms of paralysis can range from mild weakness to complete inability to move, and can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.

Can black people get posion ivy?

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Yes, black individuals can get poison ivy. Poison ivy rashes are a common allergic reaction to the plant's oils, and anyone, regardless of race, can develop a rash after coming into contact with poison ivy.

What causes your skin to itch and red marks to come out?

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Skin itchiness and red marks can be caused by various factors such as dry skin, allergic reactions, insect bites, skin infections, or dermatitis. It is important to identify the underlying cause to determine the appropriate treatment. If symptoms persist or worsen, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional.

The plant on which it climbs is called?

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There are many plants that climb and grow. Ivy is one of the most common plants that grow and climb. Poison ivy is another one, grape vine, and honeysuckle is also examples of plants that grow.

What is the chemical in poison ivy poison oak and poison sumac called?

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The chemical in poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac that causes allergic reactions is called urushiol. It is a resin oil found in the sap of these plants and can trigger skin irritation and rashes in individuals who come into contact with it.

Can a person die from untreated poison ivy?

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No, a person cannot die from direct contact with poison ivy. However, severe allergic reactions or infections from untreated poison ivy can lead to complications that may be life-threatening. It's important to seek medical attention if experiencing a severe reaction to poison ivy.

Is poison ivy a multicellular or unicellular?

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Poison ivy is a multicellular plant. It is a woody shrub that belongs to the cashew family and can cause a skin rash upon contact due to its urushiol oil.

How do you treat poison ivy in vaginal area?

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If you suspect you have come into contact with poison ivy in the vaginal area, it is important to wash the area thoroughly with mild soap and water to remove any urushiol oil that causes the reaction. Avoid scratching to prevent further irritation, and consider speaking with a healthcare provider for appropriate treatment options, which may include topical corticosteroids or antihistamines.

How can you get rid on poison ivy on your vagina?

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Although it's difficult to get on mucus glands, it is possible to get poison oak on your vulva. It's difficult, I believe, to get it internally. If you have a bad case, there will be a LOT of clear ooze coming from your vagina. Also, it will be very inflamed and swollen. If this should happen, see a dermatatologist. It will probably difficult for you to walk-you will notice it.

What is poison ivy in Italian?

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Poison ivy in Italian is called "edera velenosa".

Does saltwater and chorline help poison ivy?

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No, saltwater and chlorine do not help with poison ivy. In fact, saltwater and chlorine may irritate the skin further and make the itching and rash worse. It is best to wash the affected area with water and soap, and apply calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream to help soothe the symptoms.