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No. Triple X occurs on the sex chromosomes.

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Q: Can triple x syndrome inherited
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What kind of mutation is triple x syndrome?

Most cases of triple X syndrome are not inherited so it is not a dominant or recessive trait.

How does triple x syndrome occur?

Triple X syndrome is a genetic disorder in which a girl has three X chromosomes instead of two. Triple X occurs once in every 1,000 female births. However, doctors believe many girls with Triple X go their lifetime undiagnosed. The major features of Triple X are learning, behavioral and emotional problems. Compared with other syndromes in which a person has inherited three chromosomes. Triple X is quite mild in nature.

Can you die from the triple x syndrome?

No, you can not die from Triple X syndrome. Your are going to live a normal life .

Do any famous people have triple x syndrome?

Patricia Ann Jacobs(1934-)has Triple X Syndrome. She is the first lady diagnosed Triple X. She is studying genetics now.

How do you prevent triple x syndrome?


Is Turner's syndrome the same as triple x syndrome?

No, they are two different things. Normally, a woman has 46 X chromozomes. If there are only 45 of them, it´s the Monozomy X, so called Turner syndrome. If there are 47 of them, it´s the Trizomy X, also known as the Triple X syndrome.

What Triple x syndrome occurs because?


Triple X syndrome occurs because of whAT?


Is down's syndrome inherited?

Most cases of down syndrome are not inherited. Translocation Down syndrome can be inherited.

What chromosomes carry triple x syndrome?

chromosome 21

Does Triple X syndrome occur because of nondisjunction?


Can Turner Syndrome be inherited?

Turner syndrome can rarely be inherited