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Q: Can tulips survive in Florida summer?
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Many plants including tulips have developed special methods to survive the extreme climatic conditions by remaining dormant during the harsh winter and bloom during the spring and summer months. The tulips have underground storage organs called bulbs to survive the long months of winter.

What are 3 plants that live in Florida?

Tulips Pom Trees Alvira! Hope this helps!

When was How to Survive Summer Camp created?

How to Survive Summer Camp was created in 1985.

What do tulips need to survive?

The best time of the year to plant tulips is in the fall. Tulip bulbs require the chilled soil of winter to put out new growth in the spring. They can be planted any time in the fall before the soil freezes. However, they should be in the ground by mid-December.

What flower come from Florida?

roses, tulips, lilies

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the octopus survive in the summer and winter because it is an animal

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they reflect there body from the cold but they may die in the summer survive

Can any palm trees survive all year round anywhere in new jersey?

No. Some can't even survive in the summer. Palm trees need to live in warm climates like Florida all year round to survive. Even if palm trees live in New Jersey during the summer, they will probably die the first frost of mid-October.

When was Florida Collegiate Summer League created?

Florida Collegiate Summer League was created in 2003.

How low can green and...or neotropical anoles survive?

Depends on the weather, if you are in the summer in Florida, they can live on the ground and in the trees. Because they are cold blooded, they have to be warm so the can digest the bug.

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The River Bushwillow can survive in both Winter and Summer

What is Florida Collegiate Summer League's motto?

Florida Collegiate Summer League's motto is 'Pure Baseball'.