



Seasons are the change in the climate which are usually constant over a period of time. This category contains information on all the different seasons.

7,122 Questions

Who is little summer?

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Brittany Byars, who was Kendra Wilkinsons Maid of Honour at here recent wedding and all grown up Very beautiful.

She appears briefly in several of the Playboy Mansion episodes as Kendras friend.

What fish can you catch at low tide?

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At low tide, you can typically catch fish that are in shallow waters close to the shore, such as flounder, redfish, striped bass, and speckled trout. These fish often move closer to the shore to feed when the water level is lower.

What is The greatest level of high tide?

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There is no such word as astronomically. It must have been used a thousand times in the last week. There are two astronomical tides every 24 hours. ( Maybe its just weather reporting license.)

Why is it possible to see a circular rainbow when your in an airplane yet its impossible from the ground?

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When you're in an airplane, you have a different perspective and are often above the clouds where the conditions are right for a circular rainbow to form due to the angle of sunlight and water droplets. On the ground, the angle of sunlight and the surface of the Earth make it difficult for all the necessary conditions to align for a circular rainbow to be visible.

Why are many deserts located on the leeward side of high mountain ranges?

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Deserts are often located on the leeward side of high mountain ranges because as moist air is forced to rise over the mountains, it cools and loses moisture, creating a rain shadow effect. This results in dry conditions on the leeward side, making it conducive to desert formation.

Why do you perspire during warm weather than during cold weather?

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Your body perspires more in warm weather because sweating is a mechanism your body uses to cool down. When it's hot, your body produces sweat to help regulate its temperature by evaporating and cooling the skin. In cold weather, your body preserves heat by reducing sweating.

What is the angle between the equator and the plane of orbit of earth?

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Asked by Amandalin98

The angle between the equator and the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun is approximately 23.5 degrees. This inclination is what causes the changing seasons on Earth as it orbits the Sun.

Which layer of the atmosphere contains only a tiny fraction of the atmosphere's mass?

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The thermosphere, which is located above the mesosphere, contains only a tiny fraction of the atmosphere's mass. Despite its low density, it can reach very high temperatures due to the absorption of solar radiation.

What type of houses do people live in the temperate zone?

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In geography, temperate or pepcid latitudes of the globe lie between the tropics and the polar regions. The changes in these regions between summer and winter are generally relatively moderate, rather than extreme hot or cold.

However, in certain areas, such as Asia and central North America, the variations between summer and winter can be extreme because these areas are far away from the sea, causing them to have a continental climate. In regions traditionally considered tropical, localities at high altitudes (e.g. parts of the Andes) may have a temperate climate.

As India is located in a temperate zone we find various kinds of houses. Air conditioned rooms are usually used in the temperate zone and tropical zone . Deserts and tropical regions have bright mornings and become hot by afternoon. The nights are very cool. The temperature rises to its peak during summer. The houses in tropical regions are constructed with brick, concrete cement.

How would earth systems be affected if earth's axis were perpendicular to its orbital plane?

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If Earth's axis were perpendicular to its orbital plane (i.e., the axis of rotation were upright), there would be no change in the Earth's relationship with the Sun. However, this change would eliminate the seasons as we know them, leading to more consistent temperatures around the world. Climate patterns and biodiversity could also be greatly affected as a result.

What if the earths axis of rotation were tilted at a different angle. also what would the seasons be like if earths axis was a 0 degrees and b 45 degrees?

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If Earth's axis was tilted at 0 degrees, there would be no seasons as there would be no variation in sunlight throughout the year. If Earth's axis was tilted at 45 degrees, the seasons would be more extreme with hotter summers and colder winters due to the increased tilt causing sunlight to be concentrated more directly in certain areas during different times of the year.

Do you have day and night and the four seasons because of the movement of the Earth as it spins in space?

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Yes, the rotation of the Earth on its axis causes day and night, with half the planet facing the Sun experiencing daylight. The tilt of the Earth's axis as it orbits the Sun creates the four seasons by varying the amount of direct sunlight different regions receive throughout the year.

How does a sheep keep cool in summer?

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Sheep keep cool in the summer by seeking shade under trees or shelter, panting to regulate their body temperature, and drinking plenty of water. Their wool also acts as insulation, helping to keep them cool in hot weather by regulating their body temperature.

Does the sun's rays ever shine directly over Houston?

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Yes, the sun's rays can shine directly over Houston during certain times of the year, such as during the summer months when the sun is higher in the sky. This can result in more direct sunlight and potentially higher temperatures in the city.

How does the elliptical orbit produce the seasons and year?

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The tilt of Earth's axis combined with its elliptical orbit around the sun leads to the changing seasons. As Earth orbits the sun, the varying intensity and duration of sunlight reaching different parts of the planet result in the four seasons. The year is determined by Earth completing one orbit around the sun.

Which creates our regular seasons the tilt of the Earth it's elliptic orbit or both?

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The tilt of the Earth's axis is the main factor that creates the regular seasons. As the Earth orbits the Sun, the tilt causes different parts of the Earth to receive varying amounts of sunlight throughout the year, leading to the different seasons. The elliptical shape of Earth's orbit has a minor effect on seasons due to variations in Earth's distance from the Sun.

How would each scene be different at springs and neap tide?

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At springs tide, the difference between high and low tide is more pronounced, resulting in higher high tides and lower low tides. This leads to stronger currents and more dramatic changes in shoreline. Neap tide, on the other hand, has less of a difference between high and low tide, resulting in weaker currents and less noticeable changes along the shoreline.

What affects seasonal change more Earth's tilted axis or the distance to the sun during Earths orbit?

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Earth's tilted axis has a greater impact on seasonal change than the distance to the sun during Earth's orbit. The tilt of Earth's axis causes the varying angles at which sunlight strikes the surface, leading to different seasons. The distance to the sun (Earth's orbital eccentricity) has a smaller effect on the seasonal changes.

What day in 2012 is does spring and fall have equal hours of daylight and darkness?

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In 2012, the day when spring and fall had roughly equal hours of daylight and darkness was the equinox on September 22nd. On this day, the lengths of day and night are approximately equal all around the world.

What weather besides cold weather makes it hard to keep inside your house warm?

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Extreme heat or high humidity can also make it difficult to keep the inside of your house warm, as these conditions can lead to heat buildup and discomfort, even with heating systems running. Additionally, strong winds or drafty conditions can make it challenging to maintain a warm temperature inside the house, as they can quickly cool down the interior.

How does the revolution of the Earth correlate to the solstices and the equinoxes?

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The revolution of the Earth around the sun causes the changing seasons and the positions of the solstices and equinoxes. The solstices occur when the Earth's axis is tilted most toward or away from the sun, leading to the longest and shortest days of the year. The equinoxes occur when the tilt is at a right angle to the sun, resulting in day and night being of nearly equal length.

Does any place on the equator have equal day and night on June solstice?

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No, places on the equator do not have equal day and night on the June solstice. This phenomenon, known as the equinox, occurs when the tilt of the Earth's axis is perpendicular to the sun's rays, resulting in approximately equal day and night lengths.

What bands of high-speed winds about 10 kilometers above earths surface called?

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The bands of high-speed winds located about 10 kilometers above Earth's surface are called jet streams. These are fast-flowing air currents that move from west to east in the upper atmosphere and can greatly influence weather patterns.

How would the solstices and equinoxes change if the earth's orbit were circular instead of elliptical. explain how a circular orbit would effect seasonal changes?

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If Earth's orbit were circular instead of elliptical, the distance between the Earth and the Sun would remain constant throughout the year. This would result in less variation in the intensity of sunlight received at different times of the year, leading to milder seasonal changes. The solstices and equinoxes would still occur, but the difference in temperature and daylight between seasons would be less extreme.

What is the angle between the noon sun on the winter solstice and the southern horizon for an observer at a latitude of 38 N?

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The angle between the noon sun on the winter solstice and the southern horizon for an observer at a latitude of 38 N is equal to 90 degrees minus the observer's latitude (38 degrees). Therefore, the angle would be 52 degrees.