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Yes. If in opposing directions, obviously. But if they were in parallel to each other, they could still touch and damage each others bodies.

However, two cars moving with the same velocity cannot collide.

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13y ago

Neither, and the impact would not be the same for both vehicles because of the differing amount of force each car is carrying due to the differing speeds (amusing the mass of the two vehicles is identical). The total force of the impact would be the same as one car absorbing the force of a 45mph crash.

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Combined speed.

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Q: Can two cars moving with the same speed collide?
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What will happen to the speed of a space ship if it turns off its engines in space?

First of all, remember that it takes force to change the speed or direction of amoving object, but not to keep it moving at a constant speed in a straight line.Whatever the space ship's speed and direction are when the engine is switched off,it continues moving at that same speed and in that same direction, until some forcecomes along to change them. That force might be, for example, a gravitational one,if the space ship's motion brings it close enough to a planet, a moon, or an asteroid.

Why is fuel needed to change the speed or directions of a probe in space?

A moving object will continue moving in the same direction and at the same speed unless some force acts upon it. The only effective way to do this with a spacecraft is to eject mass away from it. By using combustible fuel we can eject mass at a high speed, which larger velocity changes than ejecting material at a low speed.

Why do planets closer to the sun have a shorter year?

Their orbit is a smaller circle than the ones further out, and as long as they are moving at relatively the same speed they will complete each orbit faster. Check out the planetary orbits link, it gives a really cool description and moving diagram

A space probe is carried by a rocket into outer space What keeps the probe moving after the rocket no longer pushes it?

Sir Isac Newtons first law of motion The law of inertia an object in motion remainsthe same unless acted upon by an external force.In space there is no force to slow itdown so it keeps moving the same speed it was when the rockets stopped burning.In other words:No force is required to keep a moving object moving, as long as there's nothing actingon it to make it stop.

Is the space station moving or stationary?

Its moving. Quickly. It is in orbit around the earth, the same as any satellite.

Related questions

Can two cars moving with the same velocity collide?

Yes, two cars moving with the same velocity can collide if their paths intersect or if one fails to stop in time to avoid hitting the other. Velocity only describes the speed and direction of an object's motion, not its position. So, the cars can still collide if they have the same velocity.

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Yes, if two toy cars of the same mass are moving towards each other, they will collide at the halfway point. After the collision, their velocities will change according to the principles of conservation of momentum and kinetic energy. The cars will bounce off each other in opposite directions, with the total momentum remaining the same before and after the collision.

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Yes, two moving cars of different mass can have the same kinetic energy if they are moving at the same speed. Kinetic energy depends on both mass and velocity, so as long as the cars are moving with the same speed, their kinetic energies will be equal regardless of their masses.

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Huh? If they are both moving at the same speed neither is faster.

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The wreckage will not move in any particular direction and will remain stationary, as the cars have equal but opposite momenta which cancel each other out.

Can one car be in front of the other when both cars moving at the same speed heading to the same direction?

Of course.

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The product of the car's mass and its speed must be the same for both cars.

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When two vehicles are moving in the same direction and collide, the crash speed is determined by the difference in speed between the two vehicles at the moment of impact. The crash speed can be calculated by subtracting the speed of the vehicle behind from the speed of the vehicle in front. This difference in speed translates to the force of impact experienced by the vehicles and occupants.

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If two cars are traveling at the same speed but different velocities, it means they are heading in different directions or experiencing different accelerations. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both the speed and the direction of an object's motion, so if two objects are moving at the same speed but in different directions, they have different velocities.

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The word is "stationary" for not moving, and "constant velocity" for moving at a constant speed in the same direction.