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It is customarily not allowed because the interests of the two defendants may, at some point, not be the same, and a single attorney would have a conflict of interest in attempting to defend two defendants with different interests.

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Q: Can two people hire the same attorney to handle the same criminal case they are both involved in?
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District attorneys are responsible for prosecuting criminal cases on behalf of the government. They work to uphold the law, seek justice for crime victims, and ensure that individuals who violate the law are held accountable for their actions. District attorneys also play a role in advising law enforcement agencies on legal matters and making charging decisions based on evidence presented to them.

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In order to register a motorcycle club in Michigan, you would need the services of an attorney. Some people consider it outlawed and that is why it might be wise to engage an attorney from the onset so that they can handle the legalities involved.

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A criminal defense attorney is the guy that is appointed to defend someone that is being accused of a crime. A criminal defense attorney is very important. They are the people that are appointed to make sure that people accused of a crime are given a fair trial.

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Criminal Law Attorneys should not represent people involved with hate crimes.

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A State's Attorney General is generally considered to be, as the name suggests, the attorney for the State. For example, he/she is the attorney that represents the State in actions brought against it by people or groups that are challenging laws enacted by the legislature. He/she has a staff of attorneys working in his/her office that handle day to day matters, but all under the auspices of the Attorney General. In some States, those lower-level attorneys are called district attorneys, although historically that term connotes State attorneys who enforce criminal laws. Assistant State Attorneys generally handle both civil abd criminal matters.

What is the difference between a criminal attorney and a labor attorney?

A criminal attorney is one who either prosecutes or defends people who are accused of breaking criminal law (for example, all of the lawyers on the popular show Law & Order are criminal attorneys). A labor attorney is one who specializes in employment law, and often also specializes in union matters. Both criminal and labor attorneys attend three years of law school and must pass the bar exam in order to practice law.

Why do you study criminal justice?

People studying criminal justice are interested in having a career in law. This could mean being a judge or district attorney.

What does a felony attorney do?

A felony attorney is also known as a criminal defense lawyer. They help people fight felony charges brought against them. Most attorney's seek to reduce charges to misdemeanors.

How To Work With A Federal Criminal Attorney?

A federal criminal attorney is usually assigned to cases that involve federal crimes. Federal defense attorneys are provided to people who have been accused of a crime and can’t afford an attorney. If you are involved in a federal case, you will find that you probably interact with a federal criminal attorney from both sides. Defense or Prosecution A federal criminal attorney can work for the prosecution or for the defense. The defense attorney is hired to help the accused individual prove that they did not commit the crime. This attorney works closely with his or her client to find evidence to exonerate them. The federal criminal attorney who works to defend the government’s case is called the prosecutor. This attorney’s job is to prove that the accused individual did commit the crime. Both attorneys have the power to call witnesses and present evidence for both sides. When You are a Witness There is a chance that you will be contacted to serve as a witness during a federal criminal trial, especially if you were involved with the situation in any way. When a federal criminal attorney contacts you, it may be a good idea to consult with an objective federal criminal attorney who is not part of the case. The second attorney can give you information regarding your rights as a witness, and help you determine when you should testify or refuse to testify. There may be consequences to refusing to testify, and the attorney can explain them to you. The Difference Between Federal and State Criminal Attorneys Federal criminal attorneys usually charge much higher fees than state attorneys. They also have more time to work on each case because the federal court system tends to move more slowly than state systems. Most federal criminal attorneys have higher academic records than average state attorneys, as well. Federal attorneys spend their time studying federal law so that they can fully understand every part of the system, whether they are prosecutors or defenders. A federal attorney doesn’t work as closely with local law enforcement. They tend to work more cases that involve federal agencies, like the FBI, instead of state police.

What type of cases do a class action attorney's handle?

Some of the cases that a class action attorney handle includes large groups of people filing a claim on a particular defendant, particularly with more publicity.

Who were the major people involved in the scopes trial?

Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan was prosecuting attorney, Clarence Darrow was the defense attorney.

How does Libel Law differ from Criminal Law?

Libel Law and Criminal Law deals with two different concerned crime areas. Libel laws are meant to monetarily compensate people for damage to their reputations.On the other hand, Criminal law is a system of law to punish the person who commits crime. In USA, responsibility for criminal law & justice is shared between states and the federal government. There are many practice areas that deals with different types of crimes. I am also a criminal law attorney at Barhoma Law PC and handle criminal law cases in California state.