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Q: Can two people in the same room blink at the same time?
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Is a wink the same as a blink?

There is a difference, a blink is to close and immediately reopen the eyes, usually involuntarily, as when the eyes are affected by strong light. A wink is given, usually with one eye, with the eye closed a little longer that a blink, giving a hint or a signal which may have some sly meaning. Often the head is inclined at the same time at add greater effect. ^^That's true. Blinking is usually with both eyes, and usually in comes naturally. (We have to blink at some point, and it's usually an subconscious act). A wink is only with one eye and is usually meant to signalize something.

If you remove air resistance from a room and drop an apple and a bowling ball simultaniously from the same distance will they land at the same time?

Yes, during his time galileo galilei state that if two objects were to fall at the same time at the same distance then they would both land at the same time. Many people didn't believe him, but when man first stepped on the moon the astronauts dropped a feather and a hammer and both touched the moon's surface at the same time. Since there is no air in space then there wouldn't be air resistance to keep the objects from reaching their destination at the same time.

Two people stand on a rock one weighs 250lbs and is 7ft tall and the other is 90lbs and 5ft tall if they jump at the same time who lands first?

They should land at the same time.They should land at the same time.They should land at the same time.They should land at the same time.

What is the longitudinal method?

Is concerened with observing the ways in which people change over time.

Why does it take a long time to heat a room with high ceiling?

Because in convection, warm air rises up to the roof and cold air sinks down so the area where people is, is always colder than the area near the roof where nobody is.

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