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Depends if your clean than most likely not but if your dirty your most likely to get it herpes

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Q: Can two people without herpes get herpes?
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Can a Cold sore leading to herpes simplex two?

A cold sore can't lead to herpes simplex two; they are a different virus.

Is herpes zoster acute?

Herpes zoster has an acute phase when the skin lesions are present. In a week or two, the skin lesions resolve, and then many people have a chronic pain syndrome for months or years afterwards.

Can you contract HIV if you have herpes?

NO! Though you can have both concurrently.

Two types of cholesterol?

Herpes and aids

I have these weird sores in my mouth?

It is herpes. Sometimes people refer to them as 'cold sores' but it is the herpes simples virus.

Can you get HIV from herpes 2?

It's possible. People with herpes can be more suceptable to getting HIV because it can pass more easily through open sores or blisters. So some one with herpes should abstain from having sex while they have any signs of a break out. But just so you know because some one has genital herpes that doesn't always mean they have HIV too.

If your mom had herpes would you be born with it?

You would only be likely to get herpes if your mother had genital herpes and you caught the infection when she had an outbreak at the time of birth. Most people don't get herpes at birth, even if their mothers are infected.

Do people who have cold sores have herpes?

Yes it is a herpes infection but normally a different type. Cold sores are normally caused by Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV1) while genital herpes are caused by Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2.

What are two effects of sexual intercoures?

Aids and Herpes

What is the worst thing that can happen when you have herpes?

The worst thing about herpes is the pain from the blisters.

Why do people who dont have herpes get cold sores?

A person has to be infected with the herpes virus (type 1) to get a cold sore.