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Crawford Rodriguez

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2y ago
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11y ago

An unbalanced force will change it's state of motion.

This question is probaly to do with inertia

"mass in a state of motion remains in the state of motion unless affected by an unbalanced force" (newtons first law)

The earth continues to rotate because of inertia, no unbalanced force changes its direction.

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Q: Can unbalanced forces cause an object to move?
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Application of unbalanced forces to an object?

Any unbalanced force will cause the object to accelerate in the direction of the net force. This means that applying unbalanced forces to an object will cause it to move. Thinking of applications for moving objects is very easy.

Compare how balanced and unbalanced forces affect an object at rest?

balanced forces don't move an object, but unbalanced forces on an object do move

What does unbalanced force do to an object?

The forces cause the object to move in the direction of the net force. If there are two unbalanced forces in opposite directions, the object will go in the direction of the stronger force.

How do balance forces affect an object?

Balanced forces applied on both sides of an object cause it to be still. Unbalanced forces will cause the object to move away from the strongest force.

Will an object move if it has unbalanced force on it?

-- An object may be in motion even without any forces on it.-- An object will accelerate if the forces on it are unbalanced.

How do balanced forces affect an objects motion?

Balanced forces applied on both sides of an object cause it to be still. Unbalanced forces will cause the object to move away from the strongest force.

What happens to an object that is acted upon by a unbalanced forces?

the forces move

How do forces affect motion when the forces are a balanced and b unbalanced?

If the forces on an object are balanced then the object will not move. This simply means that the forces on the object counteract each other. If they are unbalanced then the object will move under the effect of the resultant force. The resultant force is the combination of all of the forces acting on an object.

What is the relationship between force and movement?

When forces are unbalanced on an object, the object will move.

Definition for balanced and unbalanced forces?

Balanced forces are forces that are balanced, so the object won't move. O will represent this. The forces, ---------->O<----------, are the same, so the object won't move. For unbalanced forces, ---------->O<--------------------, The force on the right is stronger, so it will move to the left.

What makes somthing move?

The forces acting on the object become unbalanced.

What are the similarities between balanced and unbalanced forces?

An object with balanced forces acting on it is still. An object with unbalanced forces acting on them moves at an non constant velocity. It is possible for an object to have balanced forces acting on it and yet move in a vacuum.