

Can unicorn's fly

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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No unicorns cant fly and I'd think you'd know that!

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Q: Can unicorn's fly
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Dude is it me or are there unicorns flying around being all majestic and what not?

Unicorns do not have wings. Unicorns do not fly.

Can lollipops fly?

Yes lollipops can fly so can unicorns and monkeys

Do rainbow unicorns fly?

Yes they can fly, very high too.

Are flying unicorns and pegasuses different?

Yes, indeed! Flying unicorns would have their horns and all of their magical abilities, along with being able to fly. Pegasi can only fly. Maybe they can do some other stuff. I don't know. Oh, and most unicorns can't fly.

Do unicorns fly even without wings?

Most of them do.

How fast are unicorns?

unicorns can run at a speed of roughly 200mph since they're magical, and they can fly at a speed of 567mph

What can unicorns not do breed swim fly or tell fortunes?

According to Greek Mythology, unicorns cannot swim or tell fortunes. A unicorn can breed and fly. A unicorn can basically do what a horse can do, except a unicorn can fly. swim

Can your unicorn fly after it broke its left wing?

Unicorns do not have wings.

What stuff fly in space that hit the earth?

unicorns and comits

Who is Unicorn?

A unicorn is a horse with a horn on the top of a unicorns head and plus they can fly as advice unicorns are real because i saw one

Can unicorns fly to Mars?

only if it's not too windy. Don't be silly. Unicorns don't have wings. You are thinking of the pegasus (plural:pegasi). Your answer is correct for pegasi.

What are rainbow unicorns?

rainbow unicorns are the cuousins of charlie the unicorn, but they can fly and are really long. like the ones from the show "Adventure time with Finn and Jake"