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Q: Can us courts overturn the ruling of government agencies?
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Why is the supreme court the most important part of the courts ruling?

maintains a federal system of government and representation.

What part of a supreme courts ruling decision presents the argument in favor of the courts ruling?

majority opinion

What Supreme Court ruling overturned a states attempt to impose taxes on federal government agencies?

McCulloch v. Maryland

When an appellate Judge overturns a lower Judge's ruling can the lower Judge once again overturn the decision?

The lower court cannot overturn the higher court's decision.

Order of civil courts is binding on criminal courts?

It depends on what you are referring to. An order of the civil court cannot overrule a finding of the criminal divisionany more than a finding of the criminal division can overturn a finding of the civil division. However a ruling of one may have direct effect on the actions of one of the principals in a case in the other branch.

What did the Marshall courts ruling that supported the sanctity of contracts and federal law over state law boost?

a national economy and a strong federal government

How often will a magistrate overturn a judge's decision in a divorce proceeding?

In the US, a magistrate does not have the authority to overturn a trial court judges' ruling. If there was a trial and the Judge made an error, you can appeal within a certain amount of time. You would appeal to the state Appellate Court or Supreme Court, depending on how the state's courts are organized. However, not liking the trial judge's ruling is not grounds for appeal. There must be a legitimate legal basis, such as misapplication of the law. If you believe you have grounds for appeal, you should speak with your lawyer immediately.

Did the court overturn the judicial precedent of plessy v Ferguson with its ruling in the brown v board of education case?

yes it did

Is local court part of the us court system?

Although law professionals will tell you it is a separate system, it is not. The US Supreme court has ruled that these systems are separate in so much as they are bound by the State constitution, and the Federal constitutions as well as the rulings of the US Supreme Court. State courts cannot divert from a Federal Court ruling; if they do the US Federal Court system will overturn the ruling.

Which court is HIGHER district or circuit?

In the Federal court system, the district courts are the "lowest" courts. Cases usually start in district court and are decided there. The circuit courts are courts of appeal. That means that you can appeal a district court's ruling to the circuit court (and then to the Supreme Court, if you still don't like the ruling). In that sense, the circuit courts are "higher" than the district courts.

Which statement is not true about state supreme courts?

the ruling of state supreme courts are always the final judgment on a matter.