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As a registered nurse who has been on Fentanyl dermal patches, after 2 major unsuccessful spinal fusions surgeries, I realized the scarring and normal arthritic changes over some years, can actually diminish our acute or even chronic spinal pain. That includes the radiation of pain down their spinal nerves, causing anterior (top to side) pain in your legs. Also, this can happen with upper cervical, thoracic and as in my case, thoracolumbar pain. The patches were a life saver for 20 almost 21 years. I was able to improve my exercise tolerance, increase going to family functions. Most importantly as you who are in the same boat know, there is a certain amount of guilt, when you feel, you can not make future plans, with family & friends, since one never knows, exactly how severe the pain will impede your activities of daily living. Therefore, I decided, I would with my physician's help and both our knowledge of pain management, try to totally withdraw from the application of these very expensive & sometimes, dangerous methods of chronic Opioid tolerant pain management. As a nurse, I feel compelled to make this statement. Using the Fentanyl systems of pain managment, can and have, been implicated in patients' deaths. There are many causes but the most common one believed, is due to diminished respiration, failure to breath well enough to oxygenate our bodies, improper application, duplicate application of patches if one does not write down, the placement on your body, the time and day it was applied, or by other errors. Heat increases the medication to coarse through our bodies. If you have a fever, or are too warm, pay much closer attention to your breathing. Never use alcohol to clean the patch site, again, rubbing or any alcohol, will increase the amount of drug in your system and can potentially cause, hypoventilation or complete cessation of breathing completely. This of course will be disastrous. The more senior you are the more, one needs to consider every aspect of your overall health. I'm right up there folks, in my 60's. That's why I wanted to answer this question with my own experience.

I personally am decreasing my Fentanyl patch dosage, in what I feel is a safe manor. I was able to decrease my dosage from Feb.6th through the end of March, (2 months) from 100 micrograms, down to 50mcg. During this decrease, whether from personal issues in my family, with several deaths of younger family due to accidents, or as a result of the decrease in the Fentanyl, I became morbidly depressed. Signs included, decrease in my physical activity. I needed to force myself to eat and drink properly with concomitant weight loss. I cried at the drop of a hat. I lost interest in all the hobbies I loved, and generally was sad, just not my bubbly self.

I failed to mention one very important warning whether about Lexapro or Fentanyl use, I stopped even social drinking a glass of wine, when I began applying Fentanyl and of course I still won't drink and wouldn't on Lexapro, on or off Fentanyl. There is an increase in the drugs' effects which can be severe. So please? Do not drink alcohol or mix any other psychotripic medication while on both of these meds.

Additionally it need to be mentioned: from the day I applied my first Fentanyl patch, and over the past 20+ years, I keep thorough records of my Fentanyl patches and Lexapro. It's actually a very good idea, to keep an up to date chart, (on your person) when and how much medications you've taken on a daily basis. Fentanyl in particular, can be a bit difficult to remember, the date and time you applied this patch which is either prescribed, on a 72 (3 day) basis, and lately I've read, even every 48 hours (two day period). I continually read the package inserts each time I open a new box, there have been many changes in how to apply and use them. If you're smart, you will read the package inserts and if you do not understand something written, call your pharmacist or the company's patients telephone answer line, for any questions you may have. Both of these medications can be life savers and both can be dangerous if used improperly. Get to know your meds and how they work in your body. Again, I cannot emphasize enough do not drink alcohol. If you must take a sip for a family wedding, etc., simply put a little wine on your lips, but NEVER swallow enough to alter how you feel emotionally.

I'd like to share how important age is when using either of these type of meds. I'm sharing with you, I am now 60 years old and I am extremely careful how I "chart" my medications. Or have a family member chart them for you. I feel very proud of myself, that I have successfully decreased my Fentanyl medication by half over a twp month time frame. However, once I hit the 50 mcg. level, I tried to decrease my dosage down to 25 mcg every 3 days and went into withdrawal, and major depression. I realize it's taken me a while to get to the question's point, but here is my experience:

YES, I did take and I am still am taking Lexapro 5 mg twice a day. I've been on Lexapro since February which is now three and one-half months, without any untoward or negative symptoms, in conjunction with MY Fentanyl patches. I hope you will ask your doc and remember, they are working for you! Don't feel you can't call and ask you doctor, if you have any questions such as this one: Can I SAFELY take Lexapro anti-depressant, if I am also applying a very strong Opioid analog pain patch such as Fentanyl.

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Q: Can use a Fentanyl patch while using lexapro?
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No. This can cause a potentially lethal overdose. Venlafaxine is a cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitor which is the enzyme which metabolizes fentanyl. Levels of fentanyl can reach lethal doses as a result of this combination.

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The urine drug screen would be positive for opioids.

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As far as concerns with Fentanyl transfer to a female during conception, it's a non-issue. The only real concerns are for nursing mothers using Fentanyl themselves, since Fentanyl is excreted in breast milk. No congenital defects have ever been reported by women who were using Fentanyl during pregnancy.

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The birth control patch is designed to prevent pregnancy. If you want to get pregnant, stop using the patch.

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If you get your period while wearing the birth control patch, continue using the patch as scheduled. If this becomes a problematic pattern for you, contact your health care provider.

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Yes i am currently taking both! No problems :)

Is it safe to take vicodine after removing a Fentanyl patch?

Vicodin, like Percocet, is prescribed for patch users as a pain breakthrough drug. Normally, you'd take it in instances where increased activity has increased your pain level beyond the patch's control point (breakthrough) and you need something short term to handle the pain. You can also use it if you've waited a bit too long to change out your patch to a new one. It usually takes a while for a new patch dose to ramp up to where you're feeling the effects, so in those cases, you can use Vicodin to bridge the withdrawals until the Fentanyl takes effect.

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