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Yes it sure can or you could be sympathizing with the bad leg while sleeping and in an odd position in bed.

If you are on crutches wrap a very soft towel around the part that goes under your arms. Get someone to give you a good massage around your shoulders or neck. If you look in a mirror and put your weight on your crutches you will see that your shoulders are practically up around your ears and thus, a sore neck.

You probably just have a sore neck from using the crutches improperly. For proper use, you should support yourself on you hands, not your armpits. If you put the pads in your armpits, your upper body will be too low and you will have to tilt your head back too far to keep your head upright. If that's what you've been doing, then most likely you don't have a neck sprain. A sprain involves torn ligaments, and if you really have that you'd be in a lot of pain and there would be swelling. Most likely your neck just has sore muscles.

And, just to play it safe, in case there really may be more wrong with your neck than soreness, I'd wait on the massage until it either got better or you got clearance from a doctor.

Then, if all is well, be sure you get a licensed professional massage therapist to do the massage. I wouldn't want just anyone to mess with my neck.

Good luck.

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Q: Can using crutches for 6 to 8 weeks cause a neck sprain?
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Do you mean a verb form of crutch? A long time ago, you could say something was crutched by someone or something, but we don't use it anymore that I know.If you're looking for a better or different way of saying "walking on crutches," you'd be better off using a synonym for walking that implies "with difficulty" like hobbling.You can say, "He walked on crutches for two weeks.""He can walk on crutches.""He was walking on crutches.""He will be walking on crutches at this time tomorrow."These are all verb forms of to walk.

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Depends on the severity of the break. If it's not too bad, you will most likely be in crutches for 4 to 6 weeks. However, if the break is severe, you may be required to use crutches as long as you have a brace on.

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How many days should you use crutches if you sprain your ankle?

Yes as when you have a sprained ankle you can't put pressure on your foot if your foot is severly sprained. I would recomend getting crutches but (if you don't want to wear crutches you can wear an ankle brace where you can get from any store) only use them for about 3-7 days and start trying to walk and do muscle exercises. You can get crutches from a pharmacy/drug store. Hope this helps.

What is the fastest mile on crutches?

Unoffically, On June 3rd, 1982, one year after recieving a Bateman bi-polar artifical Right hip replacement, Bruce Weeks, age 21, from Arlington MA ran a timed mile at Belmont Hill, MA while using forearm crutches in 9 minutes and 38 seconds.