

Can uti test's test if your pregnant?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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UTI tests are designed to test for infection. If you want to know if you are pregnant, buy a pregnancy test or ask a doctor to test you.

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Q: Can uti test's test if your pregnant?
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Can Urinary track infection causes fake positive result of pregnancy blood test?

No, UTI does not cause a false positive pregnancy test. Pregnancy tests are very specific to hCG (the pregnancy hormone), if the test reads positive you are pregnant.

Can a severe UTI effect the results of pregnancy test?

Sometimes. So if you really think ur pregnant then wait until the UTI is out of your sysytem and take a test.

Can you tell your pregnant from a UTI test?

No, a pregnancy test is separate from the urine dipstick, urinalysis, or culture used to test for UTIs.

Could a UTI change the results of your pregnancy test?

No, UTIs do not affect the accuracy of pregnancy tests.

Can a urinary tract infection cause a negative result?

If you are pregnant, the urinary tract infection should not have any bearing on the result of your test. The test looks for hCG in the urine, and this is present if you are pregnant regardless of any infection.

Could you be a week pregnant with a uti?

Yes, you can get pregnant while you have a UTI.

Is it possible to become pregnant if you have UTI?

Yes, you can still get pregnant when you have a UTI.

Can you become pregnant during uti infection?

Yes, you can get pregnant while you have a UTI.

Can UTI prevent you from getting pregnant?

You can still get pregnant with a UTI. A UTI during pregnancy can raise the risk of preterm labor.

Can you be pregnant if you have a uti?

yes you can have a uti during pregnancy

Will the pregnancy test come out to be negtive when you have an urinary tract infection?

Pregnancy tests look for a hormone that is secreted by an implanted egg called hCG. It can only be detected if you are pregnant. If a pregnancy test is positive, it is best to follow-up with a provider for confirmation, but a negative result would not be due to a UTI.

If you had 3 pregnancy tests that are positive but one not pregnant what do you believe?

the positive answer on the tests are very rarely wrong, HCG is the hormone produced when someone is pregnant, which is what shows up on the test and is not there to detect by urine tests when someone is not pregnant. although there are some medications etc that can affect the reliability of the test.