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Yes, they can. They can easily pass through clothing.

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Q: Can uv rays pass through clothing?
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What causes sunlight to pass through the upper atmosphere?

Sunlight can pass through atmosphere. But not the part containing UV rays.

How does the hole in the ozone layer affect us?

The hole in the ozone layer allows the UV rays to pass through. These UV rays can cause various problems to living organisms.

What are some conseqsequences of the ozone the being depleted?

Depleted ozone allows UV rays to pass through. These rays are fatal to life on earth.

What is the layer that protects the earth from ultraviolet rays from the sun?

The UV rays must pass through atmosphere. So the layer must be in Atmosphere. The layer of the atmosphere is he ozone layer.

What is the ozone hole and what are its consequences?

Ozone hole is the thinning of ozone layer. It allows the UV rays to pass through.

Can UV rays go through wax paper?

yes, but it drastically reduces them

What is ozone and why is ozone depletion a problem?

The ozone depletion is the loss of ozone. It allows harmful UV rays to pass through it.

How does destroying the ozone layer affects us?

It will allow the UV rays to come through. The UV rays are harmful rays of the sun.

Will the hole in the ozone suck earths oxygen out of your world?

No, it won't. The ozone hole just allows the UV rays to pass through.

What is the name of the Vitamin that is absorbed through UV rays?

There is no vitamin that is absorbed through uv rays , but when uv light falls on skin , it produces vitamin D in skin by a photochemical reaction .

Does u.v. rays go through metal?

No uv rays do not go through metal -Cybil

The hole in the ozone layer?

The hole in ozone layer is actually the thinning of this layer. This hole allows the harmful UV rays to pass through.