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Yes, it can, but it usually occurs only if the blood serum levels of vanc are very high or it was infused too quickly. Ototoxicity is often reversible once serum levels are at an appropriate level.

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Q: Can vancomycin cause hearing loss and tinnitus?
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Can mastoiditis cause tinnitus?

Mastoiditis can cause hearing loss which may result in tinnitus.

Does tinnitus cause hearing loss?

Tinnitus is a symptom of hearing loss. While there is no cure for tinnitus, for many people using hearing aids can reduce the severity of the tinnitus. To get the best results it is important to establish the frequency and intensity the tinnitus.It may sometimes be a symptom of hearing loss.

How do concerts affect your hearing?

Depends on how loud they are. Exposure to too loud noises can cause temporary or permanent loss of hearing, to various degrees. It can also cause tinnitus, which can be a real problem.

How is subjective tinnitus treated?

Subjective tinnitus, especially that associated with age-related hearing loss, can be treated with hearing aids , noise generators or other masking devices, biofeedback , antidepressant medications, or lifestyle modifications.

You have buzzing sounds in my ears and head what could this be?

If you have buzzing sounds in your ears and head it could be indicative of tinnitus. The most common cause of tinnitus is due to hearing loss as a result of excessive noise.

Can tinnitus cause low level?

Tinnitus can be defined as not a disease, but a condition that can result from a wide range of underlying causes including neurological damage, foreign objects in the ear, nasal allergies that prevent fluid drain, wax build up and exposure to loud sounds. Tinnitus may be an accompaniment of sensor neural hearing loss or congenital hearing loss.

What are the symptoms of otosclerosis?

The primary symptom of otosclerosis is loss of hearing. In addition, many people experience tinnitus (noice originating inside the ear). The amount of tinnitus is not necessarily related to the kind or severity of hearing loss.

Can hearing aids relieve hearing loss caused by tinnitus?

No, it just makes you hear as well as other human beings.

What is the cause of a pseudo hallucination?

The cause of pseudo-auditory hallucinations can be attributed to conditions in the ears such as tinnitus. It may also be attributed to hearing loss which he brain makes up for and certain medications.

Can working in transport wind cold and loud noises for 29 hour shifts with no rest in stressful conditions getting abused cause tinnitus ringing in the ears?

Any prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause sensorineural hearing loss and result in tinnitus. There was a study recently published that has shown concern for people even using MP3 players for more than 1 hour per day because it may cause sensorineural hearing loss, resulting in tinnitus early and deafness later.

Can Syphillis cause hearing loss?

No, chlamydia does not cause hearing loss.

How do they treat age related tinnitus?

Some cases of tinnitus can be treated by removal of the underlying cause. These include surgical treatment of impacted ear wax, tumors, head injuries, or malformed blood vessels; discontinuance of ototoxic medications