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Vaccines can expose the human body to the viral makeup, in order to allow the immune defenses to recognize that virus and to create antibodies to fight it. This helps the body to fight the same virus in the future when a viral infection occurs. However viruses change form too fast and too frequently, so it is impossible to create a chemical to destroy that specific virus, since it changes form all the time.

Finally, viral infections cannot be treated, usually medicines only treat the symptoms, they do not kill the viruses.

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Q: Can viral disease can be treated with vaccines?
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Vaccines, such Fluvax, can prevent viral disease.

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Yes. Bacterial diseases can be treated with antibiotics. Viral diseases have to run their course. Many viral diseases have vaccines available, such as flu, measles, mumps, chicken pox and so on. If your cold or flu turns into pneumonia, then that can be treated since it is bacterial.

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vaccines, stay away form blood so you dont get aids, dont share bottled fluids,

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I depends on the disease. Viral diseases often have vaccines. Heart disease can be prevented with good diet and excercise. Mosquito borne diseases can be prevented by using insect repellent.

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What can be effective in preventing viral infection in humans?

Vaccines. Vaccines stimulate the immune system to mount defenses against a harmful pathogen. Antibiotics don't work on viruses, only bacteria.

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Generally diseases caused by viruses like nausea, AIDS and other can not be treated by vaccination as we do not have their vaccines or if have then they are not so effective.