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Q: Can viral fever cause swelling in pancreas?
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Do fungi cause the diseases yellow fever encephalitis and measles in humans?

Fungi can be one cause of encephalitis. Both yellow fever and measles are viral.

Do viral infections lower body temperature?

It would be more accurate to say that some kinds of viral infections do not cause a fever.

What are ten diseases cause by viruses?

Erythema Infectiosum, Arthritis due to Rubella, Human Herpesvirus, Mosquito-borne Viral Encephalitis, Tick-borne Viral Encephalitis, Phlebotomus Fever, Tick-borne Fever, West Nile Fever, Viral Hepatitis, Mumps, Rabies, Chlamydiae.

What is viral hemorrhagic fever?

What test is used to diagnose viral hemorrhagic fever

Why vaccine is not developed for viral fever?

because viruses responsible for viral fever are many and mutate very rapidly.

Is yellow fever viral?

yellow fever is caused by a virus

What type of viral infection do you suspect symptoms of fever mild hypotension flushing conjunctival injection and now a bad rash has appeared that is bleeding in spots?

Viral Hemmorhagic Fever

What is viral pleurisy?

Pleurisy is swelling of the thin layers of tiddue covering the lungs and chest wall. Viral pleurisy would be swelling caused by a virus.

Is dengue fever viral?


What is the pathophysiology of tonsillitis?

The term "pathophysiology" refers to the processes which occur when an illness develops. Therefore, in tonsillitis, the tonsils become overloaded with an infection of a viral or bacterial nature. This causes inflammation of the area. In turn, the redness and swelling may cause a sore throat, high temperature and fever.

Can histamine cause fever?

Usually not. A fever indicates an infection.However, an allergic reaction can cause 'flue like symptoms including fever or chills. I have multiple allergies and commonly experience both 'fever' and 'chills' (usually separately but sometimes in sequence) depending on the particular allergen (trigger).