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Vitamin E is well-tolerated, and side effects are rare. However, in some individuals who are vitamin K deficient, vitamin E may increase the risk for hemorrhage or bleeding.

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Q: Can vitamin E cause side effects?
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What are the side effects of ingesting Tocopheryl acetate for long duration?

Tocopheryl acetate is vitamin E. Taking high doses of vitamin E for a prolonged time can cause side effects that can include diarrhea, stomach cramps, fatigue, headache, rash, bruising, and bleeding.

What is the effect of Myra e 400?

The side effects of Myra E are not known. Possible side effects are:possibly unsafe if taken in high dosesSome research shows Myra E taken in doses of 400 IU or more may cause serious side effects and deathSome research shows taking 300-800 IU of Myra E daily might increase the chance of hemorrhagic stroke by 22%, though taking Vitamin E could reduce the risk of schematic stroke.Some research suggesting taking separate Vitamin E with a Multivitamin supplement may increase the chance of prostate cancer in some men.High doses can cause nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps, fatigue, weakness, headache, blurred vision, rash, and bruising and bleeding.It is not known if there is a difference in the effects different forms of Vitamin E.For more information visit

Which vitamin can cause kidney failure if taken in massive quantity?

vitamin E

Can vitamin E treat tardive dyskinesia?

Vitamin E supplementation may lessen or eliminate this side effect in some individuals.

Sam-e side effects?

What deficiency diseases are caused due to lack of vitamin e?

The deficiency of vitamin E is very rare. But still it may cause haemolytic anaemia.

Does cod liver and vitamin E capsules have side effects on your body?

Not unless you take a bottle at a time: per dose--even that would not do anything. Vitamin E is essential for healthy skin, vascular health and is a very good anti-oxidant. yeah but what about cod liver capsules ? Cod liver capsules is rich in fish oils; which exert or produce the same effect essentially as Vitamin E.

What vitamin can you take for healthy skin?

Vitamins C, E, and the B vitamin Biotin have been shown to improve skin health. C and E reduce the effects of sun exposure and Biotin is a necessary nutrient that forms the basis of skin and hair (inadequate amounts can cause itchy skin and hair-loss).

Does vitamin D cause dry mouth?

Oily vitamin E may cause dry mouth if you have a liver problem. The alternative would Vitamin E in a dry form (water soluble).

Does vitamin e oil cause breakouts?

Since it is oil based, it is bound to cause break-outs.

What can cause uncontrollable bleeding if Vitamin E supplements are taken along with it?


Can you take Sam-E with Effexor?

Yes, it is safe and alright to take Sam-E with Effexor. Taking the two together will not cause any ineffectiveness of the antidepressant or bad side effects.