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Q: Can water be broken down by a chemical change?
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Which substance can be broken down by a chemical change The answer is Hexane--but why?

Hexane is a compound. All chemical compounds can be broken down by chemical change (chemical reactions of many types) - not only hexane. All the other choices are elements which cannot be broken down by chemical changes.

When water is broken down into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas is it a chemical or physical change?

Chemical you are breaking down the water and it would need to under go another chemical change to become water again.It is always chemistry which breaks down molecules (H2O) into its elements (H2 and O2)

Is sugar dissolving a chemical or phyical change?

Sugar dissolving in water is a chemical change because sugar is Sucrose which in aqueous solution is broken down into Glucose and Fructose.

Can boron be broken down by chemical change?

No. It is an element and fundamentally already as "broken down" as possible.

Which substance cannot be broken down by a chemical change?

All of the elements of the Periodic Table cannot be broken down into simpler substances.

Can a compound be broken down by ordinary chemical change?

of course, by the intermediate of chemical reactions

What chemical changes does water undergo?

Electrolysis will turn water into hydrogen and oxygen gas.

Can sodium be decomposed by a chemical change?

No. Sodium is an element and elements cannot be broken down (decomposed) by a chemical change.

Can compounds may be broken down into elements in a chemical change?

yes they can

Can water be broken down by chemical?

Water can be broken down by the chemical process called electrolysis. An electrical current is passed through water with an electrolyte added to it. The electrical current breaks down the water into hydrogen and oxygen gas that bubble up from the electrodes in the water.

Is digesting food chemical or physical changes?

Chemical Change

Can beryllium be broken down by a chemical change?

NO!!!!! It is an element in its own right. Ylou will find it in ther Periodic Table.