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Iron filings can't be dissolved in water, but, over time iron filling in water will rust away.

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Q: Can water iron filling be dissolved in the water?
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What is a iron filling?

Iron filling is a filling which can be made by iron filling

What happens to iron oxide when it is dissolved?

Iron oxide (Fe2O3) in insoluble in water.

A metal dissolved in water that can cause orange stains is what?

Iron most probably as it becomes iron oxide when placed in water.

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No, the sulfur and iron still have their individual properties. Iron is still magnetic and the sulfur can be dissolved by carbon disulfide leaving behind the iron.

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An iron nail will rust slowly in distilled water when that water has dissolved oxygen. If you get rid of the oxygen by boiling and keep it from getting back in then the iron nail will not rust at all.

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no, it is not possible

Does water rust?

Pure water contains no iron, therefore is it incapable of "rusting". Water sources often contain dissolved iron, however, and can therefore deposit rust on surfaces.

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This solution is almost without color.

Does iron rust in water?

The oxygen dissolved in the water combines with the iron to form iron oxide, or rust (Fe2O3H2O).

Why is an anti scaling device important in a steam iron?

Most ordinary tap water contains dissolved minerals. When the water evaporates, or is boiled away to produce steam as in a steam iron, these dissolved minerals remain. Eventually, in a iron, they will accumulate to clog up the channels and water reservoir in the iron rendering it useless. Hence the necessity of an anti-scaling device or means of removing them.

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It's not really that the water changes color itself, as water is always a colorless liquid. It is whatever is dissolved in the water that makes it change color. For example, if you are in an area where there is a high iron content in the soil, then the water will take on an orangey-red color because of the dissolved iron.

How can steel rust?

The iron part of steel combines with oxygen in the air, or dissolved in water. This is a chemical reaction, which produces iron oxide- rust.