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Q: Can we change heated eggs back to normal eggs?
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Is making scrambled eggs a chemical change?

yes, it is heated and cannot be changed back to the raw egg by any means.

Why does eggs change color and texture when heated?

because its getting heatAn egg changes color and texture when heated due to a chemical change and the proteins escaping turning it solid and changing the color.

Why does eggs change colors when heated?

Eggs change color when heated because the protein molecules aggregate and become insoluble. Normally, the white of an egg is clear because the proteins are dissolved in water. However, when the egg is cooked, these proteins aggregate, or stick to proteins around them. These agglomerated proteins block the light differently and change the color of the egg.

Is making eggs a chemical change?

Making eggs is a chemical change because it cannot be changed back to it's original form.

Why do eggs turn eggs?

They turn their eggs so they can be heated evenly on all sides.

Which state of matter shows the largest change in volume when heated or cooled?

Donuts, Pancakes, Muffins, Coffee, Waffles, Eggs, Pancakes :D

Are normal eggs unhatched chickens?

No, normal eggs are not unhatched chickens. Normal eggs are eggs that have not been fertilized and so are fit for consumption.

Is it normal for a mother duck to not lay on her eggs?

No. It is not normal.

How do you get a normal chao egg?

there are already 2 normal eggs in each garden. to get more you have to mate 2 chaos that came from normal eggs.

Is turing eggs into an omelette a chemical or physical?

Eggs turning into an omelette is a chemical change. When you cook eggs, they will most likely bubble or fizz. Bubbling or fizzing is a sign of a chemical change. Also, once the egg is turned into an omelette, you are never able to change it back into an egg. Physical changes are reversible, and chemical changes are not easily reversed. Eggs turning into an omelette is a chemical change. Hope I helped :)

Does a parakeet keep their eggs warm at night?

They blow on the eggs with their hot breath to keep the eggs heated overnight, but stop during the day so the eggs do not overheat and catch on fire!!

Is it normal for bearded dragon eggs to turn yellow on top while in the incubator?

It is only normal if the eggs are not fertilized...