

Can we taste the substances

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Can we taste the substances
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Must substances be in solution for us to taste it?

No, substances do not always have to be in solution for us to taste them. Taste receptors on our taste buds can detect substances in a variety of forms, including solids, liquids, and gases. Solubility can affect taste perception, but it is not a requirement for taste sensation.

What do alkalines taste like?

Alkaline substances generally taste bitter, soapy, or metallic. Drinking alkaline substances can result in a slightly bitter taste due to the basic pH level.

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Why is it imposable to taste substances with a dry tongue?

becuase it is,

It is impossible to taste substances with a what tongue?

with a 'dry' tongue

Do bases have a sharp or sour taste?

Bases have a bitter taste, not a sharp or sour taste. This is in contrast to acids, which typically have a sour taste.

How does basic substances taste?

Basic substances typically have a bitter taste. This is due to their ability to accept protons (H+ ions) in a chemical reaction. Examples of basic substances include soap, baking soda, and some cleaning products.

Why is it impossible to taste substances with a dry to?

It is impossible to taste substances with a dry tongue because when the tongue is wet, the wetness releases the action of tasting.the tongue has to be wet so that the afferent fibers from the taste buds can send the chemical compounds to the brain to be identified.

Are some substances safe to taste?

Some substances are safe to taste in small amounts, such as food and beverages designed for consumption. However, it is important to avoid tasting unknown chemicals or potentially harmful substances, as they can be toxic or pose health risks. It is always best to err on the side of caution and avoid tasting anything that is not intended for ingestion.

What is opposite to acetic?

The opposite of acetic is alkaline. Acetic substances have a sour taste and are acidic, while alkaline substances have a bitter taste and are basic.

Why is it impossible to taste substances with a dry tongue?

It is impossible to taste substances with a dry tongue because when the tongue is wet, the wetness releases the action of tasting.the tongue has to be wet so that the afferent fibers from the taste buds can send the chemical compounds to the brain to be identified.

Olfactory cells and taste buds are normally stimulated by?

Substances in solution