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No. You can never give a dog human medication. Cystitis in Dogs can me serious and cause internal infection which can lead to damage. A veterinary appointment is required.

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Q: Can we use Benadryl for my dog's urinary incontinence?
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How long can you continue to give my dog benadryl?

You should follow the same instructions for administration and dosage amounts that the box recommends for humans. Benadryl is completely safe to use on dogs.

Can incontinence be controlled by managing food habits?

If your elderly loved one is facing urinary incontinence, then help them with incontinence pads. Different person requires different level of incontinence protection. These products are specially designed for senior citizens who become weak with age and would prefer minimum replacements during the day. Many of the products are like normal underwear and absolute on hygiene. They are even easy to use and comfortable wearing whole day.

Can you give your dog Benadryl after shes had steroids?

Benadryl can be safely given to both dogs and cats and has no known interactions with steroids but it's always best to check with your veterinarian before giving any medication to your pet. Never use liquid Benadryl for your pet as it can contain alcohol, which can be very unsafe for any animal.

Can you give Benadryl as a tranquilizer for your dog?

No, this would be a very bad idea. First, dogs need a much different dose of Benadryl than humans do, and skin absorption of Benadryl is very different between humans and dogs. You could cause a bad overdose with this without meaning to. Second, Benadryl cream is formulated to be placed on the skin ONLY - dogs tend to lick anyplace that is irritating them and are likely to lick this stuff off and eat it, potentially causing a bad medical reaction to the ingredients in the cream. Third, dogs really don't need a topical Benadryl - veterinarians use it to deal with bee stings and mast cell tumors, but those are both pretty rare and not something you would be handling on your own.

How much Benadryl to give a 4 month old puppy?

Benadryl is a brand name for an anti-histamine (diphenhydramine). Although it is considered fairly safe for use in dogs and cats, please be aware that it does have potential adverse side effects. It may interact with other meds that your pet is taking, so do not use it without first consulting your veterinarian. You should also use extreme caution using Benadryl in dogs that have glaucoma, prostatic disease, cardiovascular disease or hyperthyroidism. Benadryl is quite effective when used in proper dosages. Stops itching Controls vomiting Good for motion sickness Can be used as a mild tranquilizer Good for snake bites Useful for vaccination reactions Good for bee stings and insect bites Be sure to use only the plain Benadryl formula. Giving benadryl with other combination of meds could be fatal, so be sure to read the box. Liquid Benadryl is too high in alcohol content to be safely used for animals. Please use capsule or pill form. Dosage every 8 hours Dogs under 30 lbs and Cats : 10 mg Dogs 30-50 lbs: 25 mg Dogs over 50 lbs: 50 mg Additionally, the dosing for dogs (puppies) is 1-3 mg/kg by mouth every 8-12 hours. Overdosing my cause excitation and seizures, or induce coma. So, it is recommended you start with a low dose and end with a higher dose.

Is otc Benadryl safe for your dog?

Actually it is safe in the right doses...Dogs and cats can be given 1-2 mg/lb every eight hours. This can be used to treat allergic reactions, and it also has some anti-anxiety and anti-vertigo effects. As a general rule, it is pretty safe stuff. The primary side effect is drowsiness.. Always check with your Vet.. I got this info off of a Vet site.

Why would someone need a chronic urinary catheter?

"Urinary catheters are used to drain the bladder. Your health care provider may recommend a catheter for short-term or long-term use because you have or had: Urinary incontinence (leakage of urine or the inability to control when you urinate) Urinary retention (being unable to empty the bladder when you need to) Surgery that made a catheter necessary, such as prostate or gynecological surgery Other medical conditions such as multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, or dementia" -

Would benadryl be better than steroids for a dog with allergys?

Not necessarily. You should use whatever the vet prescribes. Calculating dosage for dogs for human medicines is difficult to impossible without training since it is often based on type of medicine, dog weight and the medication strength and route of administration, such as milligrams per kilogram of dog weight.

How do you use urinary system in a sentence?

The urinary system is able to remove liquid waste from the body.

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How much childrens benadryl should you give a less than 5 pound chihuahua?

I use an eyedropper and give mine only a couple of drops. I have to give mine Benedryl when she gets her vaccinations.Additional Answer:Dogs can have 1-2mg of Benadryl per pound, every 8 hours. This can be used to treat allergic reactions, and it also has some anti-anxiety effects. As a general rule, Benadryl is very effective for both dogs and cats, as it is for humans, and, as with humans, the primary side effect is drowsiness, with dogs and cats, as well.

How much benadryl can you give your 5 lb puppy?

Benadryl is an antihistamine which is administered to humans, dogs, cats and certain other animals. You should never give your dog this medication without the go-ahead from a vet, because some dogs may have defects that can cause Cushing's Disease if they take this medication, or some may have allergies that you're not aware of. As a rule of thumb, 1mg of Benadryl per pound. If your dog is 5 pounds, that is no more than 5mg. Always see a vet if you are unsure and before you administer anything at all. the vet would also tell you how much to use.