

Can we use article a with fish?

Updated: 12/4/2022
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Q: Can we use article a with fish?
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What do they use fish for?

They use fish for to make sushi. They also use fish as pets.

Which article is used before hospital?

british do not use any article before hospital. but americons sometimes use article "the" before hospital.

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no. Use an with article.

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If an article does not I have an author listed, you cannot use it as a source

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There is not really an alternative to fish sauce that will produce the same taste. However, depending on the dish you are making, some substitutions that may work include: Thai thin soy sauce, coconut or soy aminos, vegetable broth and salt, or just salt. Please see this article for more indepth information:

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Yes it is, as it has both fins and scales. For proof - and a very good list of which fish are kosher and which are treif - see this article:

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You use the article "a" before a word that starts with a consonant, and you use the article "an" before a word that starts with a vowel. you use an a if there is a vowl after the a. if there is not a vowl after a then it just stays a

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Pesce is an Italian equivalent of 'fish'. It's a masculine gender noun that takes as its definite article 'il' ['the'] and as its indefinite article 'uno' ['a, one']. It's pronounced 'PEH-shay'. The stress is on the first syllable, but there are no accent marks to indicate this.

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You use quotations for short stories, poems, article, and songs I believe. Everything else is underlined.

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Kathy's Fish flopped around alot and it jumoed out of the boat

The use of fish tail?

The use of fish tail is that its help the Fish swim faster than its preadator. Like if the Shark was after a Fish than the fish wolud have to use its tail to swim faster than its preadator which is Shark.