

Can weed cause gum infections

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Can weed cause gum infections
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Is there gum that has weed in it?

Yes there is, lol (:

What does gum disease do to the body or to the body systems?

Makes people have bad beath. It can lead to infections getting into the blood, it can cause teeth to be compromised and lost.

What are the common names of Yerba santa?

Bear's weed, consumptive's weed, gum bush, and mountain balm.

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Why is gum base used in chewing gum?

cause you chew it and its called gum...

Can tooth infections spread to someone else?

The mouth contains a mixture of both good and bad bacteria, and those "bad" bacteria include the ones that cause cavities and gum disease.

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What can make gum disease worse?

gum can cause lung cancer

Can you get gum out of the floor with jello?

no u can not cause it does not stick 2 the gum

Does cigarettes cause insanity like weed does?

Maybe there is weed in cigarettes!!

Where is medicine used to treat disease?

buy doxycycline online is used to treat various bacterial infections like acne, urinary tract infections Occurs, intestinal infections, respiratory infections, eye infections, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, periodontitis, gum disease.

What plants are in great Victoria deserts?

marble gum, mulga, spinifex grass, tumble weed