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by applying amla powder twioce in a month

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Q: Can white hair be completely removed?
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Does vitiligo affect hair?

I have vertiligo and it can effect your hair, in my experience my hair goes completely white in patches it is a very similar to the white patches you may get on your skin.

What could cause a white nose hair?

Like any other white hair a white nose hair is caused by stress or aging. The cause of white hair is when the blood cannot flow thoroughly to the area to create the pigments. White hair in the nose could be safely removed.

Can white scar removed from the lips?

A white scar cannot be completely removed from the lips. This is because the surgery that would be used would also leave a scar.

How do i get white hair I have a light yellow hair already bleached and I've read that a violet silver or white toner can lift the yellowness and leave it white?

Peroxide will turn your hair completely white, without the yellow-ish tint.

Does bleaching your hair white effect you in any way?

You never want to bleach your hair to a white stage (level 13). It will completely swell the cuticle of your hair and it will break off and possibly fall out

Why must you always ensure that all colour product is removed from the hair completely?

Rinse the hair with a neutral shampoo twice, afterwards use only water.

Why should hair products be removed from the hair prior to cutting?

Hair products should be removed prior to cutting

Are horses branded still?

Branding still occurs in many locations. Although now the brands can be created by freezing the skin until the hair follicles are damaged to the point where they will continue to produce grow hair but it will be white. Further freezing can be used on gray or white horses to kill the hair follicles completely so that the brand can still be observed. Hot brands destroy the hair follicles of the brand site completely.

How do white people get waves?

First get your hair wet with warm water and the get Murray's hair dressing cream and then lather it in your hair. Brush your hair with a soft brush 10-15 times and then put your durag on for the night. Wash hair every 2 days, get cream completely out when showering. Repeat these steps for 2 weeks. After the 3rd week your waves should be completely filled out.

How does hair get its color?

From the genes from your parents.The colour of your hair is determined by your genes. The colour is made of melanin. It is the pigment that is also responsible for the colour of your skin and is produced in the hair follicle.The amount of melanin and red somethings determine the color of your hair. if you have no melanin in your hair, it would be white. the reproduction of melanin slows as you age, which is why old people have grey hair. Same goes for skin, which is why albinos are completely white.

Hairstyles with white shirt?

make sure it's something, so that your hair is not all pulled back from your face and up. If it's a plain white shirt, and your hair is completely back, it doesn't look very good. Try something that at least has some of your hair laying on your shoulders and around your face.