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In severe cases, yes, it can. Eating the mold itself is not harmful, but the toxins produced by it can harm your blood. If you eat just a small amount of it, you will perhaps nauseous, or pain in your stomach but if you eat a lot of it, it CAN cause death.

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Q: Can white mold cause death
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Yes! If you have black mold in your home have it professionally taken care of immediately. Black mold is so TOXIC that in small infants and toddlers it has been known to cause death.

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Black mold specifically if breathed in can and will cause respiratory infections like ammonia or broncidis even Asama that could lead to death

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Mold is fungus and bacteria that have been growing. While many are harmless, some can be very dangerous to humans and some can even cause death as it can be toxic.

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no, dog pee however can cause mold.

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moisture cause mold because if u take a shower and don't clean it .it may cause mold and eat whatever it lands on

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mold can cause high blood pressure

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