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Through doings this many times it can but only from the spots where the paper towel was touching.

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Q: Can wiping your nose on a paper towel make your nose bleed?
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How do you clean hairspray off of a curling iron?

Wetting a paper towel with an all purpose cleaning solution and then wiping down the iron should remove most build up. Please make sure the iron off and cooled down before attempting this.

Dose paper towels have a weaving pattern to make it stronger?

Yes, it causes the paper towel to be more absorbant

Can you make a bottle rocket out of a cardboard cylinder from the center of a paper towel roll?

i wish

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Parchment paper

What type of paper towels absorb best?

Bounty does, because when you make the paper towel is wet it practically sucks it out of thin air.

What are facts about viva paper towels?

the answer to this question to this simple. the unique v-shaped designs on the paper towel make it stronge and absorbent

Most Cost Effective Hand Towel: Cloth Towel or Paper Towel?

In the quest to save money, there are many household things to take into consideration from groceries to household goods such as toothpaste, bedding and towels. Hand towels for the kitchen are something all households use on some level. Some use them more than others, such as those who do a lot of cooking and baking and the like. Whether cloth towel or paper towel options are most cost effective in the kitchen depends on the household and the kitchen individually. For example, a household with many small children will likely use more kitchen towels than a household with just two adults. So which type of towel is best for the budget? Paper towel usage is something most frugal homes weigh carefully, for it is easy to toss away money on disposable towels. The alternative is to buy a good sized stock of cloth towels to use, wash and reuse. This is clearly a better option in most cases. However, as mentioned above, taking into consideration the household and specific uses for the paper towel is important before deciding they are not cost effective. A household with many small children, whether they are living there or coming in a babysitting capacity, might be best served using a type of paper towel for the many spills and wipes that come with the territory. Buying the paper towel stash in bulk is one way to save money and still take advantage of the convenience of disposable towels. Sometimes the convenience of a paper towel makes it worth the extra cost, such as in daycare situations or busy kitchens where the time and effort to keep enough laundered towels on hand becomes a problem. The paper towel usage can be saved for contaminates such as wiping little faces and hands or wiping up food spills such as raw chicken and the like. There are ways to use both a cloth and paper towel that make both a cost effective option for the home when the specific uses are considered.

If there is more fiber in one paper towel than another does it make it stronger?

i recommend sponge towels

What happens when you get a paper cut?

Usually, paper cuts make you bleed, but it depends on how big the cut is. The bigger the cut, the worse. Some paper cuts can be very harmful to you.

What are different ways toilet paper can be used?

Toilet paper can be used for its intended purpose in personal hygiene, such as wiping after using the bathroom. It can also be used to blot oily skin, clean small spills, or even as emergency tissue for sneezing. Some people use toilet paper for crafting or as a substitute for tissue paper.

How can you make a sword out of household items?

Use toilet and paper towel rolls use duck tape to secure and decorate.

How do you make a wet cell battery with coins?

You will need 5 copper coins witch are pennies and 5 non-copper coins witch are dimes, pieces of paper towel and lemon juice. First you take a piece of paper towel and dip it in lemon juice. place it on top of a copper coin. then you take a non-copper coin and place it on top of the paper towel. After, you take a piece of paper towel and put it on top of your non-copper coin. Do the same thing as a pattern until you have used 5 copper coins and 5 non-copper coins. Make sure you have a piece of paper towel in between each coin. Finally, wet each finger tip and hold the ends of your battery. Do you feel a BZZ?