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Q: Can wisdom teeth start coming at age 12?
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Can wisdom teeth start coming in at age 6?

no possible way

Can wisdom teeth start coming in at age 13 and a half?

Yes, 13.5 years is very early but still within the normal range for wisdom teeth eruption. (above--already written) OH MY GOD mine are coming in i think, and it hurts! im 13 1/2 exactly(:

Is it normal to get wisdom teeth at age 40?


Could you get your wisdom teeth out when your 10?

While it is possible, because every child develops differently as they mature and grow, having problematic wisdom teeth (3rd molars) that require removal at that age would be quite unusual. Wisdom teeth most often do not require removal until at least age 16.

What age your wisdom teeth come in?

18 to 24 years of age.

Can an adult age 43 get wisdom teeth?


When do you start to lose all your teeth to get adult teeth?

The first of the baby teeth (also called "milk teeth" and "deciduous teeth") begn to fall out about age five. They are gradually replaced by the newly erupting adult teeth, a process ususally complete by age 12-13. The exception is wisdom teeth, which, if they erupt at all, begin to do so about age 18-19.

If wisdom teeth cause your teeth to get crooked Do your teeth get straight after you get your wisdom teeth extractions?

Not necessarily. Teeth tend to become more crowed as we age, especially the lower front teeth. This happens in some people regardless of whether they have wisdom teeth or not. Therefore, removing the wisdom teeth, solely for the purpose of hoping to get naturally straighter teeth, won't work.

Wisdom teeth pulled after age thirty-five?


What is the youngest age to grow wisdom teeth?

I am 11 and i have my first wisdom tooth my other three havent grown yet. I looked every website for the youngest age so far i am the youngest to have a wisdom tooth. You can get wisdom teeth at most ages starting from about 8 upwards some people don't even get them im 13 and i have 2 wisdom teeth. Theey may start growing however and start again a few months later that's what happened with me.

At what age do you get your wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth appear when you are 17-20 years old but some people never get wisdom teeth 17-20 though I've just got mine and I am 13, my last two wisdom teeth are coming through at the back. I didn't notice I'd got them until I got a tooth ache and counted all my teeth incuding the ones coming through, I have 32

When do permanent teeth come in?

Permanent teeth start coming in at around age six and continue until age 17 to 21.