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Q: Can women and men perform the same jobs?
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Can women and men do the same jobs?

Yes because women can do any thing men can do

What jobs did Hopi Indian children have?

the men hunted, women took care of the houses and children

Where women and men trated the same in jobs after the war?


Where most women working after world war 1?

Since the men came home the Women were expected to give up their jobs. There were not enough jobs for all women and men so the men got the jobs and women didn't get any jobs.

Why did the women's right movement start?

to give women the right to vote and get the same rights as men like get good jobs and get the same pay as a man

In Elizabethan theatre were men and women allowed to perform?

No women were not allowed to perform. Men were made to play women parts and dressed up as girls.

Why are women beginning to dominate jobs specifically designed for men?

To show that women are as much capeable at the jobs as men

Who makes more income men or women?

Women are paid less than men in the same jobs. Generally a woman makes 79 cents on the dollar that a man in the same job makes.

Do women and men have the same jobs in mesopotamia?

No they do not women were midwives,temple workers,minstrels and at one point they were rulers.I hope this helps you.

What was the role of men women and children in ancient Egypt?

the role of women in Egypt is to take care of the house and children and they may have jobs to.

What jobs did women share with men prior to 1900?

Women shared many jobs that were the same. Many women were lawyers before the 1900s. The men and women sometimes stayed at home, but most of the time they got a nanny to do all of the housework. Even poor families that had no home had a nanny.

Are more men or women employed?

It is pretty much an even split. Fifty percent of both sexes. However the pay scale still favors the men. Women still do not get the same pay for the same jobs.