

Can xenon bond to other element?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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7y ago

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Yes , Flourine

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Yes, but not easily.

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Q: Can xenon bond to other element?
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Do xenon and radium bond well?

Xenon is a noble gas so it doesn't bond, but radium bonds pretty well Xenon is the only noble gas that bonds with a other element.

What elements easily bond with Xenon?

I don't think any element can easily , or even bond with Xenon. Xenon is a noble gas with enough electrons on the outermost shell, therefore it exist alone like other noble gas such as helium, argon in the same group: Group 0.

Is Xenon a element or mixture?

Xenon is an element.

How much xenon there is in oxygen?

None! Xenon and oxygen are both elements, and by definition, no element contains any amount of any other element.

Is xenon a synthetic element?

Xenon is a natural chemical element.

Is Xenon element 54?

Yes - Xenon is element 54

Is xenon a element or compound?

xenon is an inert gas element

Is Xenon hexafluoride a covalent or ionic compound?

Xenon is a noble gas in with the electrone of outermost orbit are balanced than the xenon cannot make ionic bond with another element such as Oxygen because if it make an ionic bond than the electron of the outer most orbit are unstable therefore it make an covalent bond with oxygen to fill the outer most unbalance electron of oxygen by sharing electron to form (xenon oxide) (xenon dioxide) and also with floride to form (xenon difloride) etc.

Where can you find xenon element?

Xenon can be found in the atmosphere. It is found as a mixture along with other noble gases, oxygen and other gases.

What reacted with the element Xenon?

.The element's that can react with Xenon are Fluorine and Oxygen.

What is the symbol of the element xenon?

The chemical symbol for the element Xenon is Xe.

Is xenon a element?

No, xenon (Xe) is not a transition element. It is a group 18 element or noble gas.