

Can xenon expand its octet

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: Can xenon expand its octet
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How can xenon achieve stable octet?

In its ground state it does have a stable octet.

How could xenon achieve a stable octet?

Xenon, like all the noble gases except helium, already has a stable octet!

Does xenon gain or lose electrons to be a stable octet?

Neither. It has a stable octet in its ground state.

What is the anion for xenon?

Xenon obeys octet rule and has a stable electronic configuration. So, xenon does not form any anion.

Does xenon atom fit the Octet rule?

Yes it does.

What is the anion formula for xenon?

Xenon obeys octet rule and has a stable electronic configuration. So, xenon does not form any anion.

Which chemical is more likely to form chemical bonds xenon or sodium?

Sodium has one valance electron to donate so that it can complete it's octet. Xenon has a complete octet of eight electrons. So, sodium is more likely to form chemical bonds.

What family already has an octet?

The noble gases (helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon).

BCl3 PCl3 CS2 NO3 SO3 NH3 IF5 XeF2 SO2 Which of these molecules has a central atom that violates the octet rule?

Xenon difluoride, XeF2. Xenon is a noble gas, and as such has a full outer shell of eight electrons; as per the octet rule, it doesn't usually form chemical bonds. However, highly reactive nonmetals such as fluorine can induce it to do so.

Which is not an octet rule?

There are several - the most notable being H+, H-, and Li+.

What are the limitations of octet rule?

1. the incomplete octet of a central atom 2. odd electron molecule 3. compound with expanded octet 4. acc. to rule atoms complete their octet to complete their octet to become stable like inert gas, but it is seen that inert gases like xenon are not stabkle they combine with fluorine and oxygen to form no. of compounds. 5. shape of molecule cant be explained 6. stability of molecule cant be explained

Another word for an 8 piece band?

its called an octet