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maybe your turtle is following the frog keep the frog in a separate cage if it is not following the frog its probably very safe

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Q: Can yellow bellied sliders be kept with water frogs?
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What temperature does you terrapin like its water?

mid 70's up to 78 i keep my turtles yellow bellied sliders and map turtles outside in pond have a water heater in water. Plus when not sunny basking light and strip light for them.

How do yellow bellied sea snakes catch their food?

a yellow bellied snake catches it's prey under water

Do yellow bellied turtles sleep in water or out?

inside water

Can yellow belly siliders live with box turtles?

No. Box turtles are complete land turtles and spend most of their time on land or soaking in a shallow water dish. Yellow Belly Sliders need a pond or large aquarium with a basking spot and UVB bulb. The two turtles housing needs are completely different and should not be mixed, So, the answer to your question is, No. Yellow Bellied Sliders and Box Turtles can NOT be housed together.

Can you handle a yellow bellied terrapins?

you can hold a yellow bellied terrapin but you have to hold them in a position where you can't drop them and remember that they can only spend up to 30minutes without water.

How much light do yellow bellied sliders need for basking?

The temperature of the water should be about 75-80 degrees fahrenheit. I would say that 80 should be perfect.

What should you feed yellow belied sliders?

i feed mine water fleas

Can wood frogs and fire bellied toads live together?

yes indeed they can but the water can have chemicals frog the bellied toad that can make the wood frog sick so water need to be changes daily

Do yellow bellied sliders sleep IN WATER OR OUT?

they sleep in water. at first they normally find something to hold onto near the top of the water so they can poke their nose out for air, but after a while when their heart rate slows they lay at the bottom for up to 40 minutes a time before going up for air.

Is a yellow bellied water snake poisonous?

yellow bellied water snakes have fangs and they do have poison glands but they have very limited amount of poison so they most likely will not bite you but if they were to bite you you will probably go into a coma and if you see a yellow bellied water snake just leave it alone and you will not have a risk so if i were you dont mess with them

Can you put diamond back terrapins with yellow bellied terrapin?

Yes world of water them in together

Can red eared sliders live with yellow belly turtles?

Yes, red eared sliders and yellow bellied sliders are both subspecies of "pond slider", in the wild where their range overlaps they mate quite often producing what are called "intergrades". The particular intergrade between a yellow bellied slider and a red eared slider often has features of both, large yellow markings on the head with a red corner.