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Q: Can you Freeze olives in ice cube trays to put in drinks?
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Do they make cups that melt when alcohol is in them?

There are ice cube trays that you can buy which will freeze water in the shape of a shot glass, which will keep your drink cold and melt when any drink is in it.

Are plastic ice cube trays safe?

yes. it is safe to make ice in plastic trays.

What plastic is ice cube trays made of?


Can egg white be frozen?

Yes, they can, without changing them. Some people freeze them individually in ice cube trays, then store the cubes in baggies; then they always know how many they're defrosting.

Are aluminum ice cube trays harmful?

No, they work just fine.

Can you freeze eggs?

Yes, you can freeze eggs. One easy and convenient way to freeze eggs is to open them and pour them individually into ice cube trays. When you're ready to use an egg, simply pop one out, thaw it and use it. This is a great way to stop your eggs from ruining when you have an abundance of them.

What are some domestic uses for ice cube trays?

Ice cube trays are traditionally used to hold water within a freezer for the purposes of making ice cubes. Other uses for ice cube trays are to make homemade popsicles; putting a fruit juice instead of water results in popsicles made from fruit juice. Grape juice and orange juice work particularly well.

What is the most efficient way to fill ice cube trays?

Place in a freezer before filling

When were ice cube trays invented?

There is some argument as to when ice cube trays were first invented. In one instance, American physician John Gorrie built a refrigerator in 1844 that had rudimentary plans for an ice cube tray though it was never created. The other was from inventor Fred Wolf, who invented an electric refrigerator in 1914 that, while not a retail success, came with an ice cube tray.

What are ice cube trays made of?

most commonly plastic or flexible silicone

What happens when the punch you poured in the ice cube trays last night is a supply of popsicles today?

liquid to solid

What temperature does an ice cube freeze?

0 degrees celcius