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You can look but you can not purchase

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Q: Can you access the Playstation store from the PC?
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PlayStation Store Can't Download Games From PC?

The Complete Playstation Store is not on the part of the Playstation Network that you access from the PC and you will be able to buy and download from the PS3. You can not download and load and play games into a PS3 harddrive except from the Playstation Store.

Can you buy games off of the American PSN using British pounds as currency?

To make purchases off the American PlayStation Store you need access and the Access to a region's PlayStation Store is determined by the country associated with the PlayStation Network account and can not be changed. What kind of currency is not the deciding factor, but access to an American PlayStation STore

How do you put demos on your psp go from PC without using media go?

the playstation store on your ps3 or the playstation store on your psp go.

Is the psp 3000 got PlayStation store?

Yes, all PSPs can access the PlayStation Network.

Can you import a dlc from PC to PS3?

No you can not. PS3 DLCs are purchased from the Playstation Store

Can you get Playstation store on psp 3000?

Yes you can, you can access it from the menu bar.

Can I go to the playstation store on ps vita?

Yes, the PSVita can access the PSN store from its LiveArea.

Is there a program on the PC to download PlayStation 3 games?

PS3 games must be downloaded from the Playstation Store to work as a download on the PS3.

Where can you download fifa 12 full game?

For playstation PSN store For xbox 360 xboxlive store for PC steam store

Can you download playstation home for PC?

No you can not and it would not work anymore than a PS3 game could be played in a PC because it is software written to be run in a PS3 not a PC

Can psp go connect to the playstation store without a wifi?

Not quite, but you can use the Media GO tool on a PC to access the PSN, make purchases, and transfer games to the GO via USB.

Can you connect and play on PlayStation network solely on a computer?

NO you can not. A PC Emulator includes a PS2 Bios so it could not be called solely on a computer. Not that I know if you can use it to get on the Playstation Network. Any PC can access the Playstation network that is available for the PC and it is not the online games section that is available, but the support section. A PC could not even play a PS3 game and the Playstation Network would not work with a PC game as they are not compatible.